Wicked Love

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By: Fille_du_soleil
A strange woman appears in Zayn's life promising him to make true whatever wish he desires the most. And naturally Liam James Payne was Zayn's first thought.


It was the middle of December, the daylight was as rare as snow in summer. The sky was grey and displayed furious huge clouds. The London streets were crowded with people running in every direction trying their best to not be late to their appointments. A white fog came out of their mouths at every breath taken. It was a very cold day, a regular day in England.

Zayn rushed through the horde making roughly his way in the compact mass, his nose deep buried in his wool scarf in an effort of finding some warmth.  He clenched his cold hands in his black coat pockets pressing them closer to his body. If it wasn't for the important essay he had to submit, he would never have gotten out of his bed at all. It was at stormy days like these that he regretted his choice of pursuing his college education.

Lost in his thoughts about a warm bed and a hot coffee, he stumbled into a person making her fall on her behind. A loud wince of pain resonated in the now less swarmed street, Zayn looked down at the girl at his feet extending a helping hand. The least he could do after throwing her off on her ass on the hard freezing pavement.

The woman looked up cheeks red with embarrassment and cold, she took Zayn's hand shivering at the icy touch. Her tiny hand was boiling with warm, even emitting a light steam. A weird thing to see, but still real.(*)

"I am sorry"

Zayn spoke voice muffled by his scarf, his accent thick and foreign to the woman so accustomed to the London accent.

"It's okay, more fear than harm"

The woman smiled revealing perfect aligned teeth, and rubbed her hands together for more heat. Zayn arched an eyebrow at her heavy French accent, her words were cut and abrupt not like the English people whom swallowed or dragged some vowels. It was refreshing to hear something different, however hard to understand some of her words.

"You are French?"

Zayn spoke slowly and detached every word for the woman to understand, knowing for a fact that even some of his fella people didn't understand him quiet well when he talked. The woman beamed shaking her head.

"Not at all, but again I am sorry for bumping onto you"

The girl stared intensely at Zayn as if she was probing his soul. She wasn't beautiful nor ugly, average was the perfect word to describe her features. Her brown eyes shined with something strange, a light breeze blew twirling her equally brown hair. No dimples, no distinct feature to differentiate her from the ordinary mass.

"Can I ask you a question?"

Zayn frowned at the sudden familiarity, thinking of a way to leave the girl without sounding rude. If he didn't hurry his professor would leave without a care about Zayn's essay. The brunet nodded without a word waiting for the woman to ask whatever question she had.

"What is your deepest wish?"

Zayn gasped taking a step back, fear rushing through his body as the woman's brown eyes flashed and went all white. She blinked and everything went back to normal as if nothing happened. Zayn panicked eyeing the other people next to them, no one seemed to notice the sudden frightening trick. They all passed by totally ignoring the duo.

"What the fuck was that?"

The brunet held his hands up walking backward, his instinct screamed for him to run and never look back. However his legs didn't agree, they seemed too heavy to even lift. Zayn stood there in the middle of the street staring frightened at the smiling woman.

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