Let Me Treasure You

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By: transteverogers
Summary: Liam's a douchecanoe and Zayn really doesn't want to like him, but maybe it can work out?

(AKA Liam's a pressured son of Zeus, Zayn's the new Aphrodite kid and Harry knew all of this would happen before it did)

Everything starts with a letter.

Harry Potter started with a letter, and... Probably some other ones, but Zayn can't remember them.

His adventure starts with a letter addressed to him, sealed with a golden stamp. His hands feel over the letter, not opening it. He had sent a text to his father about it, and he had said not to open it yet.

It was tempting, to just open it, but Zayn knew not to fall into the temptations. It took his dad a couple hours, but he finally came home from work.

The house was silent, for once. He lived with his mum, dad and three half sisters, Doniya, Waliyha and Safaa. Doniya was older than him by year but the reason he was only their half sibling was because his dad had cheated (his mum and dad were going through a rough time, and his dad had cheated on her. Zayn had arrived on their doorsteps 9 months later).

His dad comes into the living room, and sat beside him on their old couch. The letter was sitting on the equally old coffee table, staring up at them. "Zayn." HIs dad says softly. "This letter will explaining everything, who your mum is and... I know it will be hard to believe, but just try son."

Zayn raised an eyebrow at his dad, and picks up the letter. He flips it over but then stops. "She's not... Famous or something, is she?"

His dad shrugs. "Something along those lines."

Zayn bites his bottom lip for a second, before breaking the seal. The air seems to shimmer pink, but Zayn knows that's impossible, but the room does start to smell Myrtle, a type of flower. Zayn tugged the yellowish paper out of the envelop and begun to read.

Mr Zayn Jawaad Malik, it reads in big loopy letters. I do hope I sent this to the right place, mortal mail is so confusing. I have no idea how Hermes does it, bless him. I do bet you're wondering who I am. My name is Aphrodite, and I'm the goddess of beauty and love. Well, lust, technically. Eros would have my hair if I said I was the goddess of love, such a baby that one. I can see why the Romans made him out to be one. Anyways, lovely, you probably don't believe me. I have no way to prove it to you, as I'm stuck up in mount Olympus (Zeus is having a fit again), but if you ask your father, he will tell you everything, including how we met. The reason you're getting this so late, is I had no idea that you were mine (though, your undeniable beauty makes sense) until Eileithyia and Hestia had a word with me (I had a couple children around the same time as you, it gets a little confusing at times, remembering which is mine and which I've just blessed with beauty). Now, the reason I'm writing to you is there's a small camp off the coast of Bude. Barely a dot on a map, and most mortal think it's just an island with trees. That's just a glamor. Now, you have absolutely no way to believe if this is real or not, but do ask your father. He'll tell you everything I told him when we met (hopefully he'll remember it, he was rather drunk). Lots of love, mummy Aphrodite

Zayn finishes reading the letter, and then places it on the table, head spinning. His dad's watching him with a concerned look, but Zayn can barely pay attention. His mother, his biological mother, is a mother fucking Greek Goddess. "Dad..." He says, looking up at his dad after a couple moments.

"You have a lot of questions, I know." His dad says softly, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I still do, too, but I'll try and do my best to answer them."

"My mother's a Greek Goddess." He says plainly, eyes wide. "Holy fuck."

"Language." His dad says automatically, before shaking his head with a small smile. "I know, though, I couldn't believe it when she told me. Though, I think half the reason I did was because I was drunk off my ass." He smiles at Zayn softly. "She looked a lot like Trisha, too. Said she didn't exactly have a solid form, she just took whatever form the person found most beautiful."

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