Ninety-Eight Percent

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By: sunshinexbomb
Summary: "This is the best thing that's ever happened to me," Niall chokes out, actual tears welling in his eyes. Liam hates him. A lot.

"This website is bullshit," Liam grumbles. "Niall this can't be real. How am I ninety-eight percent compatible with Louis Tomlinson?"


In which Louis is Liam's soulmate and Liam is really not amused.

Liam's not planning on running into Zayn in the copy room. Like, fine, maybe he knows that Zayn goes in there every day at 12:30 to make copies for Ms. Watson, but he's totally not thinking about that as he steps into the small room with a stack of papers from Mr. Cowell. They've been on his desk all morning, and it's purely coincidence that the first chance he's gotten today to copy them coincided with Zayn's daily trip.

"How's it going, Liam?" Zayn asks with a grin when Liam walks in. He looks effortlessly beautiful with his dumb new undercut and his dumb short-sleeved button up that displays all his dumb tattoos. Really, no one should be able to blame Liam's dumb heart for beating a bit harder at the sight of him.

Liam shrugs, fiddling with the machine next to Zayn's and trying not to stare at him too creepily. "Oh, y'know. Been working on proposals as usual. Had a meeting today, but it was basically just an hour of Harry asking shit questions and confusing the hell out of Grimshaw."

Zayn snorts out a laugh and it's definitely not the cutest thing Liam's ever heard. "Not surprising. How are your proposals? I can like, look over 'em again if you'd like?"

Zayn's leaning against the copier as it does it's thing, arms crossed at his chest. He looks cool and casual in a way Liam feels like he never manages to himself. It's a bit intimidating almost how Zayn makes him feel so hot under the collar just by standing there.

"Um, sure," Liam grins, hoping it's not obvious that he's internally freaking out just a bit. "They're not due for a couple days so maybe we can grab dinner or something after work? Discuss 'em then?"

The easy smile on Zayn's face slips and Liam feels his stomach fall, wishing immediately that he can take his words back. Fuck, why does he never think before he runs his mouth?

"Dunno, um -" Zayn hesitates, worry his bottom lip between his teeth. Usually the sight would probably send Liam's heart into a frenzy, but right now it just feels like someone's got a strong grip it on it, squeezing it tight in his chest. "I'm kinda like busy in the evenings? I can just look at 'em when I have a free minute one day if that's okay?"

"Right," Liam says, voice all small and tight. He grabs his papers from the copy machine, not really caring if they're done or not yet. "Just come by my desk whenever."

"Liam -"

Liam's out of there before Zayn can finish. He's not really sure what Zayn could say right now to make him feel like he hasn't made a huge, stupid mistake.


Like he does whenever he's trying to push something out of his mind, Liam throws himself into his work. He types out proposals and runs errands for Mr. Cowell and does his best to avoid Zayn's eye across their small office space. He hasn't even realized he's skipped lunch until Niall perches himself on the edge of Liam's desk, placing a bag of food from the commissary in front of him.

"Everything alright?" Niall asks pointedly because Niall knows Liam better than probably anyone in the world. "You haven't taken a break in hours."

Liam smiles a little sheepishly, face heating up when his stomach gives a loud growl. Niall just raises an eyebrow at him, pushing the bag closer to Liam.

"'M fine," Liam mutters, taking a huge bite from the sandwich Niall's gotten him. "Just busy."

"Right, so this has nothing to do with you asking Zayn out in the copy room today?"

Liam chokes a bit on his food. "How do you know that?" he yelps around a cough.

Niall just grins at him. "Word gets around, Leemo."

"Harry told you, didn't he?"

"That's not important," Niall shakes his head, still smiling. "Point is, Zayn's an idiot. You're also an idiot, but I was your friend first so for now we'll pretend only he's an idiot."

Liam smiles weakly. He knows Niall's trying to make him feel better, but Liam's not sure if this is really what he needs right now. He thinks he needs a bit of time to wallow. And maybe some Ben and Jerry's.

"Thanks Niall, but really it's -"

"No, listen, Liam. I'm going to find you a date. It's almost Valentine's Day, eh? I swear by next week I'll set you up with someone who deserves you," Niall insists sincerely. His forehead is all scrunched up, nose crinkled just a little like he's in deep thought.

Suddenly his features smooth out and Liam feels a bit of nervous curl in his gut. That look never bodes well. It's the same look Louis gets when he's planned another "prank of the century" to get under Cowell's skin.

"I have an idea," Niall beams. "Oh God, Leemo. May be the best idea I ever had."

"What is it then?" Liam sighs. He opens the packet of crisps in his lunch bag. He has a feeling he may need the comfort food.

"Have you tried online dating?"

Liam already hates where this is going.


After some poking and prodding from Niall, Liam reluctantly sets up a profile on some site that Niall's found and promises is reliable. He picks a recent picture of himself that he thinks he looks a bit more than decent in and fills in the questionnaire as sincerely and honestly as he can.

Apparently it's not enough.

Liam stomps into the office the next morning in a frenzy, approaching Niall's desk and slamming a printout down on it with a bit more force than necessary.

"Liam! How's that dating website?" Niall asks in excitement, but his face falls when he actually takes a proper look at Liam. "Erm, did something go wrong? Did you not get any matches?"

"Oh yes," Liam says, voice surprisingly calm given the circumstances. "I got a few. But there was one that I was very interested in."

He pushes the paper toward Niall again. Niall picks it up in curiosity, face turning pink and then darkening closer to red before he bursts out in laughter.

"You - oh my God. Ninety-eight percent, oh my God -"

"This isn't funny, Niall," Liam hisses. Niall's still cackling in laughter, drawing the attention of some of the people seated near him. Liam's sure that if they weren't in the office, he would literally be rolling around on the floor.

"This is the best thing that's ever happened to me," Niall chokes out, actual tears welling in his eyes. Liam hates him. A lot.

"This website is bullshit," Liam grumbles. "Niall this can't be real. How am I ninety-eight percent compatible with Louis Tomlinson?"

The question just sends Niall into another fit of laughter. Liam really, really hates him.


The thing is, despite their rocky start, Louis is Liam's mate now. They're close as anything and Liam loves him but Louis can never ever find out about this or Liam will never ever live it down. Ninety-eight percent. Soulmate level compatibility.

Liam leaves Niall still laughing at his desk and starts his work for the day. Every once in a while he chances a few peeks at Zayn - who looks stupidly beautiful as always - and determinedly ignores the fact that some dating website has decided that him and Louis are made for each other.

Liam's going through a stack of files that need to be sorted by the next day when he hears footsteps approaching his desk and a much too delighted voice say, "Payno. Fancy a break?"

Liam looks up from his work and instantly regrets it. Louis's standing there in front of him with flowers and a box of takeaway and his most shit-eating grin and Liam really hates his life.

"Louis, go away," Liam groans. "Fucking Niall. Going to murder him."

"C'mon, Liam" Louis tuts, pulling a chair up to Liam's desk and sitting across from him. "Can you really be mad at him for bringing together soulmates?"

"Yes," Liam glares. "Louis, this really isn't funny."

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