Wrong for too long- Chapter 3: Where I wanna be

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Part 3

It was Friday afternoon, and Zayn hadn't heard from Liam since the previous day. He was frustrated about it, but he should learn to live with it. Liam needed time to process everything, and Zayn didn't have the right to pressure him. Maybe, if he hadn't been so anxious and hadn't sprung everything onto Liam immediately, it would be better. Now it was too late to think of the 'what ifs'.

Plus, Zayn hadn't told Louis, Ant and Danny about anything yet. First, he would deal with Louis. He was prone to be the most difficult one, but once Zayn lets him know, the others would be easier.

That afternoon, he met with Louis at their favourite coffee place. Louis had drunk two cups of tea and Zayn still hadn't worked up the nerve to tell him. It wasn't that he doubted their friendship, not now, after so many years. It was his shame that was preventing him from telling. But, Liam was his soulmate, and he would have to tell his friends sooner or later. And sooner was better than later. If Louis didn't like it, he will damn well learn to accept it. Although, he's not the asshole everyone think he is.

"So, Lou, I wanna tell you something," Zayn said, ripping a paper napkin into small pieces.

"Finally! I thought you'd never tell me what was bothering you," Louis said, giving Zayn his undivided attention.

If it was any other situation, Zayn would have kicked Louis under the table, but now wasn't the time for jokes. Louis noticed the change in Zayn's pattern and frowned.

"Yeah." Zayn shrugged, hunching his shoulders a bit. "I found my soulmate," he said, quietly, but with a small smile.

"No shit! Really?" Louis smiled and leaned over the table to squeeze Zayn's arm. "I'm glad, lad. How is he?"

Zayn smile grew a bit more. "He's awesome." He swallowed hard, with a dreamy expression on his face.

"Oh, my god! Stop the gross thoughts you're thinking in front of me!" Louis kicked him under the table, making Zayn jump and kick him back. "When am I meeting the lad?"

"Well, 'bout that..." Zayn cleared his throat. "You already know him. It's Liam," he said, looking at his hands.

"Liam? As in, Liam Payne?" Louis asked, bemused.

"Yeah." Zayn nodded, still not looking at Louis.

"You mean, the same Liam that studied with us?"

"Yeah, that one."

"The fireman?"



Zayn kept quiet. He couldn't agree with that sentiment. If he was completely honest with himself, he wasn't disappointed about it. His only disappointment was with himself, because when it came to Liam... He was ecstatic. Liam was gorgeous, brave, hot, cute... He was complete. Perfect.

"I fucked up, yeah," Zayn said, his voice low, still not looking at Louis.

"Fuck, mate," Louis said, sounding overwhelmed. "You're not kidding."

"I'm not."

"Wow. This is... This is a lot," Louis mumbled. "Shit, man. Like, Liam seems like a nice guy and everything, but..."

"He is a great guy," Zayn defended him fiercely, snapping his head up and looking at Louis.

"Oi, calm the fuck down. I was trying to talk about his imprints in a nice way, okay?" Louis said, sharply.

"We're still working on that," Zayn mumbled, looking down.

"Yeah, tell me about it," Louis rolled his eyes.

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