you were only waiting

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By: carissima
Summary: The first time Zayn realises that there might actually be something a bit wrong with him is when he's half-asleep, watching Niall and Liam wrestle half-heartedly on the tour bus floor and he's half-hard.

Or Zayn learns that he likes being pinned down, and he maybe wants to call Liam daddy.


Zayn's too busy watching Niall as he does a funny little dance across the stage to realise that he's missed his cue. Liam nudges him hard with his elbow and Zayn has to plant his feet quickly to avoid falling over, but he grabs his microphone and slides effortlessly into the gap, looking out into the crowd with a slightly embarrassed, bashful smile.

When his verse ends, he turns to Liam and mouths 'sorry'. Liam just shrugs it off and grins at him while he harmonises under Louis, making it all seem effortless and easy in a way that Zayn never quite manages. He shakes his head, never failing to be slightly overwhelmed by Liam when they're onstage, and turns back to the crowd as he joins in on the chorus.

He doesn't even realise that he's rubbing his hand over his hip until they're moving into position for the next song and Liam appears next to him, his arm circling his waist as he frowns at him.

"Did I hurt you?" he asks with a frown. His hand is already slipping over Zayn's, massaging his side carefully.

"Course not," Zayn says, pulling his hand away and leaning into Liam's touch. "Barely touched me, mate."

Liam's hand doesn't move away though, his hand slipping just under Zayn's shirt to his too-warm skin, fingertips pressing down gently like Liam's searching for bruises or marks.

Zayn lets him of course, it's an old habit from the early days when Liam would always worry about hurting one of the boys when they messed around, rolling on the floor or shoving at each other. "See?" he says softly when Liam finally pulls away, seemingly satisfied.

Liam nods as he moves away, and Zayn shivers as the cool evening breeze sweeps past them. He watches Liam move quickly across the stage, his hand resting over his hip as his fingertips dig in gently. He breathes in slowly before he feels steadier and heads down to the walkway, microphone raised as he comes in on cue.


It's mid-afternoon on their day off and Niall talks him into a game of football that he really doesn't want to play. But Liam and Louis are playing too and Harry's kind of refereeing, although he's mostly cheerleading whoever has the ball. Zayn lets Louis carry their team, but he does run around a bit to stop Louis shouting at him.

"Malik!" Louis yells and Zayn actually panics for a second when he sees the ball flying towards him. He manages to somehow bring it down before he just stands there, ball at his feet, as Liam runs towards him. He's laughing, probably at him, Zayn grumbles silently, but he moves, trying to ignore Louis screaming at him because Louis is always ridiculously competitive even when they're having a kick about, which is one of the many, many reasons why Zayn hates playing football.

He kicks the ball a bit wildly, somewhere in the direction of Louis and just seconds before Liam barrels into him, laughing as his hands wrap around Zayn's waist and they tumble to the grass. Liam twists so he lands underneath Zayn, cushioning his fall but his fingers dig into Zayn's waist, hard enough to make Zayn wince as he lands heavily on top of Liam, knocking the wind out of both of them.

"Sorry," Liam gasps, his hands gentling as Zayn drags in a sharp breath.

"Shut up," Zayn mumbles, his own grip tightening on Liam's arms. He's resting on Liam's chest and there's vague noise in the background that suggests someone scored, but Zayn feels oddly relaxed, sprawled over Liam, both of them a bit sweaty and still trying to catch their breath.

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