One Of Those Nights

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Liam wakes up at six-thirty in the morning to Zayn whimpering in his sleep. His first thought is that he's having yet another nightmare and is about to wake him up when, oh. Oh. Zayn isn't having a nightmare, he's having a naughty dream and grinding his erection into his hipbone. Liam feels himself flush and has no idea what to do, because on one hand, wow, and on the other, he knows Zayn would be devastatingly embarrassed to wake up and find he's been humping his mate in his sleep.

(Or, Liam is woken up twice by Zayn for different reasons)

Liam met Zayn at daycare when they were three years old.  He doesn't quite remember what happened the exact day, but Karen tells them – whenever the topic is brought up – when she went to pick him up he and Zayn were sat in their own little corner away from the chaos of unruly children building a rocket ship out of legos. ("It was the cutest thing I've ever seen! Especially since we were new to the area and I was worried about you making friends, Li," Karen said for the millionth time as Liam groaned and rolled his eyes in embarrassment and Zayn snickered softly at his side.)

Even if they can't remember the start, it makes no difference because at sixteen and seventeen Liam and Zayn are as close as ever.  They've been through thirteen years of their families going on summer holiday together, having girlfriends – or boyfriends – and  comforting each other through heartbreaks, dressing up in matching Halloween costumes ("Batman again, Leeyum?" Zayn complained when they were fourteen as he peaked into the bag from the party store Liam brought him.  "Aw, come on, Zee! You know you love Batman. And that one is for you! I'm gonna be the Joker," he grinned, pulling out his wig and fake scars. "Alright Liam, but only because you're my best mate."), and of course, sleepovers every Saturday night with tonight being no different.

When Liam first started staying the night at the Zayn's house all those years ago, they would sleep in the same bed.  Although years have passed and they're both teenagers now, nothing has changed.  To some, like Louis, the idea of sharing a bed with a mate is odd, but it's second-nature to them.  ("Liam, mate, where's your sleeping bag?" Louis had asked from his spot on the floor in front of Zayn's bed. "He sleeps with me, Lou," Zayn responded, flipping back the bed sheets for them to get into. "What?! You two sleep in the same bed? Isn't that...weird?" "We've done it forever, it doesn't really matter at this point," Liam said. "Yeah but doesn't your girlfriend mind Zayn?" Zayn just shrugged in response. "And Li, what about your cru-" "Just go to sleep Louis" Liam snapped, before Louis could out his secret and then really make things awkward. "Whatever," Lou sighed, rolling to face away from them.  Zayn turned out the light and whispered to Liam, "Don't worry about him.  He's just jealous he doesn't have someone to snuggle with," he playfully nudged his side. "Night, Li.")


Liam wakes up at three in the morning to Zayn shouting in his sleep. "No. Stop. Come back, Liam. Liam! No, no, no! Please don't!" He can see the older boy's eyebrows furrowed in distress and quickly realizes that he's having a nightmare.

"Zayn, wake up mate. You're having a bad dream...get up..." he gently coaxes, nudging his best mate's shoulder with his hand.  Zayn wakes up all but gasping for air, honey eyes brimmed with tears.

"Li? Oh, Liam. You're here, you're okay, I thought I lost you," he gushes, climbing on top of Liam's shirtless body and nuzzling into his neck and he should not be enjoying this but dammit his crush since forever is straddling his hips and clinging to him for dear life.

He circles his arms around Zayn's waist and rubs his back in comfort.  "I'm right here, Zaynie. Did you have a bad dream?"

"S'not a dream, Leeyum, was a nightmare," he sniffles and Liam can feel hot tears on his neck.  "These people were trying to take you away from me, they were taking you away and I couldn't get to you.  They were hurting you, Li, and you were calling my name and I couldn't get there and... Look at me, 'm seventeen years old crying about a nightmare.  You must think I'm daft."

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