Zayn's Birthday

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By: Liamsfreckles
(No summary 🥺)


Zayn sat crossed legged in the middle of his living room, a pile of fan mail settled in front of him, Rhino pressed up against his left thigh. He'd put Miguel on, the sultry sounds filtering through the house, and quietly he sang along.

Birthdays. He kind of loved them.

Not just his, though. He enjoyed his birthday, but he also loved celebrating others birthdays as well. Liked buying his family fun gifts and treating them to all their hearts desires: things that they couldn't always have done when they were kids.

But today was his birthday, and he was spending some quiet time on his own before his family came over for dinner. He was going through all the birthday cards and notes sent to him from fans, and sharing some of his favourites.

He picked up an envelope that was covered in crayon drawings and sparkly heart stickers, and he pressed his tongue to his teeth as he gently tore it open, as he wanted to keep the drawings intact. He pulled out the folded sheet of paper, and flipped it open to read:

'Dear Zayn -

Happy birthday. I am so excited that it is your birthday today. I hope you have an awesome birthday.

Love Ellie xoxo'

He smiled to himself, setting the little letter down on the floor, so he could take a picture of it. He uploaded it to Instagram with a little note of his own:

'@Zayn - Thanks, Ellie! I am having a smashing birthday thanks to you! :) :) :)'

He picked up the note again. It was so genuine and sweet that Zayn wanted to do something for Ellie. Chewing on his lip, he opened up twitter and uploaded the photo of the letter:

@zaynmalik - help me find the lovely person who sent me this siiick birthday note! Thank you for the birthday love! xo

Within seconds of pressing tweet, the message had hundreds of RT's and he giggled to himself. He was still so surprised people followed him - anywhere. He'd been a huge recording artist for years, but still felt very surprised with how many people supported and loved him.

Rhino stirred next to him, stretching his body out before resting his large head against Zayn's knee. He leaned down to kiss the top of the dogs head, wrapping his arms around the not-so-little pup. 'Think we'll find our Cinderellie?' He murmured into Rhino's neck, before untangling himself. 'C'mon pup, let's get you walked...'

Liam hadn't been so sure about letting his daughter sending Zayn Malik a birthday note. He didn't want to be the one to have to tell her that he may not reply back to her. How could Liam handle that type of disappointment when his girl - didn't get a response from her favourite singer in the world?

But he let her do it. Let her write it all by herself, and then they walked the two blocks from their little house to the post box, where he had lifted her onto his hip so she could push the letter into the box, clapping happily when it disappeared.

That had been two weeks ago, and now it was the day of Zayn's birthday. Ellie was dressed up in her favourite outfit: a pair of bright blue leggings, and a grey sweatshirt with three minions dancing on the front. She even had Doc Martens on, much to Liam's amusement. An homage to her favourite.

He was wondering if he should be jealous of the fact that he - her own father - was no longer her favourite. 5 years old and he was being tossed out like trash.

"Daddy! D'you think he got my letter?" Ellie asked for what seemed like the thousandth time today as she danced around his legs while he finished making up lunch.

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