I Do

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By: JoMouse
Summary: Louis thinks he's in love with Liam who knows he's in love with Zayn who doesn't know what to think anymore.

Louis dragged Liam's drunken arse into the bedroom, shoving him towards the bed before heading into the loo to find some paracetamol; he knew his friend would be hurting in the morning. Much more than he was hurting already. Louis should've known better than to agree to go out with Liam that night.; Liam only called when he wanted to forget and forgetting meant a very drunk Liam. He grabbed the pills and filled a glass with water, staring at himself in the mirror over the sink, trying to force a smile to his face before heading back to the bedroom.

Reentering the room, Louis discovered Liam, surprisingly, sitting up in his bed clutching a jeweler's box tightly in his hand. He must have a made a noise because Liam began speaking, his voice choked with tears.

"I tried, Lou. I tried to give it to him. I called him about four months ago." The tears were falling so freely now, that Louis had an image of his best mate drowning himself right in front of him.

Louis moved slowly to sit next to Liam, forcing him to take the pills before setting the, now, empty glass on the nightstand and pulling Liam into a cuddle, a hand running over his sweaty hair. "What happened?"

"Lousy fucking timing is what happened. I called the night he proposed the that fucking-" Liam cut himself off as he threw the box across the room. The box broke open and a simple silver ring flew out bouncing along the wooden floor and rolling away under the bed. Louis thought about retrieving it, but decided to remain focused on his friend instead.

Liam opened and closed his mouth a few times, seeming to struggle to find the words to describe Zayn's fiance, but Louis knew that no matter how angry he was, Liam couldn't bring himself to insult the person Zayn chose to be with for the rest of his life. "I was finally gonna get off my arse and propose, and he tells me he's getting married and that he didn't think it was a good idea for us to ever speak again." Liam pulled away, burying his face into his pillow and letting out an agonized scream. When he was done, he turned to look at Louis, his face twisted in agony. "If only I had called sooner." He turned back into the pillow and his body racked with sobs.

At that moment, Liam's phone began to ring. A familiar tone that hadn't echoed in their lives in quite some time, and Louis felt his anger flare. "Oi!" he snapped as he picked up the phone. He glanced over at Liam who was crying so hard that Louis' own eyes began to tear up. He strode out of the room before speaking again. "Of course he's here. You called his bloody phone, didn't ya?"

The person on the other end began to say something, but Louis didn't want to hear it, so he huffed into the phone. "He's in no shape to come to the phone. Not even for you. Especially not for you, mate," he said the word with enough venom to halt the voice of the other person.

Liam appeared in the doorway of the sitting room, his large frame appearing small and lost as Louis continued. "Just fuck off. You've done enough fucking damage for one lifetime." He hung up on his once best mate and went over to gather Liam into his arms before escorting him back to his bed. The boy needed nothing more than a year's worth of sleep.

"It could've been me," Liam repeated over and over as he finally let exhaustion take over and finally Louis let his own tears fall.

Louis awoke the next morning feeling hot and crushed. He blinked his eyes a few times and glanced down to see Liam clinging to his chest, breaths coming in the even pattern of deep sleep. With a sad smile, Louis wiggled himself out from the grasp of his broken-hearted friend and made his way into the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and groaned that he looked almost as bad as he knew that Liam felt.

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