make room

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By: girl_almighty
Summary: A spontaneous road trip brings cramped seating arrangements and lots of sing-alongs for the boys, who've decided to go on a very spontaneous road trip. Liam and Zayn drew the short straw, though - while everyone gets their own seat, they've decided that Zayn's going to have to sit on Liam's lap for at least a bit of the car ride.
Y'know...'cuz there's just not enough space.


The sky's gotten rather dark by the time everyone all arrives, and honestly, Liam wishes they'd left a bit earlier. Driving in the dark always makes him nervous, even if it wasn't him doing the driving. Their driver liked to have his headphones on as he drove, which always put Liam in a state of anxiety - what if there was a serious auditory clue he'd end up missing, all because of a stupid set of headphones he'd chosen to wear instead of just having the radio on? Then, Liam remembers, their driver had awful taste in music. He didn't want to be subjected to that for three hours.

Standing out in the cold, Liam hugs his jacket a bit tighter to his person. He's already gotten his belongings shoved into the trunk along with Harry and Zayn's, seeing as they've packed the most. Niall and Louis shove their things in last, along with the food and snacks that rested on the back row of the van's seats. Liam had agreed, stupidly, to help re-arrange the trunk, since Niall was incapable of doing it on his own.

"I don't understand why Zayn's got to sit on my lap," Liam protests, watching Niall. "'Coz," the blonde boy says, shoving his belongings into the big trunk, "Louis' arse is too big. He'd crush you." Liam groans and lightly nudges him out of the way, using his strong arms to pick up several items at once and shift them all around. Liam turned to his friend and teased him, "You have no idea how to pack a trunk, do you?" Louis chuckles and turns around as best he can, since he's surrounded by bags and bags of snacks, sleeping bags, and a very tired Harry - they'd managed to somehow lodge themselves into the frontseat with all of the other crap that'd been put there - and cracks a joke. "Pack a trunk, Liam? You're very good at that, aren't you?" Harry laughs and slaps Louis' shoulder.

Zayn turns around from his seat crammed with luggage and coats and groans, "Aw, Louis...that's just...Liam's not even gonna get that one, is he?" He quirks, flashing a bright smile at Liam who quickly flicks his eyes back to his task. "I hate you guys," Liam swears, and Niall looks a bit taken aback. "Excuse me, Liam," Harry begins, his angry-suburban-mother tone kicking in, "how dare you. We're out here, trying to have a nice time - " He's cut off by Louis. "And you're being so negative, Liam! Come on!" Niall repeats after Louis, "Yeah, Liam. Come on." Zayn joins in and repeats it as well. "Liam doesn't wanna sit next to me, lads. I think he hates me," Zayn frowns and sinks further into his seat, somehow finding enough space to be dramatic. Liam groans again and slams the trunk shut, nearly taking off Niall's fingers.

"Hey!" Niall shouts, clutching his hand even though it was perfectly fine. "Oi, Liam! Don't slam the trunk like that," Louis teases as Niall clambers into the front seat, feeling very content with his throne and bountiful legroom. "I still don't get why Niall gets the passenger seat," Harry whines, "I've got the longest legs, haven't I? I should be there."

Niall turns his head and looks at him quizzically. "You said you wanted to sit next to Louis!"

"Well Niall, now I see how good you've got it, and I want to switch," Harry whines.

Liam gets in the car now, struggling to step over boxes of candy and cases of beer.

"Shut up, all of you," the driver says, turning his key as Liam shuts the large side door of the car with authority.

Zayn scoots a bit, letting Liam get into the cozy little corner that's been left for them in the backseat of the car. Liam'll be doing a lot of sitting, and he's thankful he wore his most comfortable sweatpants, and Zayn's done exactly the same with his choice of pants. "Do you really have to sit on my lap, Zayn?" He asks, resting his head against the seat as Zayn basically hovers above him, ready to plop down on his friend's lap.

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