Instagram this to your heart

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Sadly this one shot is no longer in Ao3
By: vastlyunknown

  Summary:  Liam is a bit obsessed with Instagram and with a certain dark-haired boy. Louis takes the piss as per usual and Harry is a giraffe.

Liam is just about to snap the shot (his empty cup of coffee on which the barista had drawn a smiley face) when a middle finger appears in front of his lens and ruins it. He sighs and looks up from his phone to glare at Louis. Their history professor has yet to arrive but that's nothing new; she's always late on Tuesday.


"Yes, seriously. I've been counting and this is the fifteenth picture you've instagramed this morning alone. And I thought Haz was bad," Louis says with a shake of his head.

"Heyyyyy," Harry complains mildly from where he's sitting on the other side of Liam.

Louis throws him a wink and Harry sticks his tongue out. The maturity level has overall never surpassed 5 year-old standards when these two are involved. Liam tries to find fault in that daily but he's not really one to judge. Just yesterday he was involved in a rather intricate water-balloon fight with Niall that quickly degenerated and had turned into a war that spread through their whole floor. Their building manager threw an epic fit when he saw the state of his walls. It was nothing compared to Louis' tantrum when he heard about said water-balloon fight and the whole not being involved thing.

Louis doesn't have the monopole on childish antics despite his best efforts. (Liam often thinks turning him into a juvenile idiot has always been one of Louis' life goals anyway. That and making sure Harry Styles never stops smiling.)

"You're not the boss of me," Liam mumbles to Louis and yeah, Liam doesn't have the monopole on witty comebacks.

"This whole Instagram thing doesn't even suit you," Louis grumbles ignoring Liam's last remark.

"Instagram isn't only for hipsters! Stop being a judgemental drama queen," Liam shoots back. Louis replies something probably inane and sharp all at once but Liam doesn't hear him because in that moment, Zayn Malik comes in and Liam stares.

It's a thing in his life, now. The whole staring at Zayn Malik and not being able to control it. Not even a little bit. He's aware of his own shamelessness but he really doesn't think he could be blamed. Liam's not sure how so much beauty and allure can be packed into one person. It defies logic, decency and more often than not it angers Liam a little bit.

He should be more careful, especially with Louis and Harry present but he has no more illusions about trying to keep his... infatuation a secret. That ship sailed the day he walked into a wall while walking to his Lit class with Louis because Zayn Malik was laughing with a girl in front of him.

Louis had laughed so hard Liam had refused to speak to him for a week afterwards.

"Down boy," Louis taunts.

"Fuck off," Liam replies not taking his eyes away. Zayn is wearing a black peacoat that he didn't bother buttoning up. His glasses are slipping off his elfin nose and the wash grey jeans he's wearing are proving to be a challenge for Liam's nervous system. Just before he sits down, Zayn looks up and their eyes lock. For a breathless moment, Liam thinks maybe he could smile at Zayn and start something. Something that will hopefully lead to Zayn on top of Liam and tracing every inch of his skin with his tongue. Liam isn't opposed to cuddles, either. Or slow, lazy morning kisses. Or naps in front of the TV. Or dancing to Justin Timberlake with Zayn in front of him, hips swivelling and Liam's hand on his small tummy.

Really, Liam is a very open-minded person and he's basically up for anything as long as it involves Zayn Malik and no space between their bodies.

But Liam doesn't smile and Zayn only quirk an eyebrow before turning away and sitting down.

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