Somehow I Still Carry On, Burdened By

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He doesn't realize how much pain he's in until the hot water hits his shoulders. He hisses at the sting but lets the water pound his aching muscles anyway, washing himself with Liam's body wash and shampoo, then toweling himself off until he's practically pink. His knees are already buckling as he makes his way over to the dresser, grabbing a pair of clean boxers, and he eases himself into bed, wrapping himself in the cold sheets.
He doesn't cry, no, not at all.

[Or the one where Liam's been kidnapped but doesn't remember Zayn and Zayn struggles with loss and love and heartbreak all over again]



"He's missing."

Zayn hears the words but they don't register. They can't be true. It's not possible.

And that's what he says.

"That's not true. It's impossible."

He hears the policeman sigh and give him a pitiful look. Zayn strengthens his gaze and gives the cop a once-over himself.

It's late. The man's tired. He probably has a bunch of open cases to deal with, and he mixed something up. The officer scratches his scruff and clears his throat.

"Payne, right?"

"Liam." Zayn corrects. "Liam James Payne."

"Okay. Listen, I'm sorry about the news, mister...?"


"Right. We've filed a missing persons report, now all we can do is wait for either him to show up or for some information on his whereabouts."

Zayn clenches his jaw, slamming his hands down on the table in front of him. "Is that really fucking everything you can do?!" He cries, causing the small group of people around him in the office to stop and stare. "You're not even going to try to find out how this happened? Or who the culprit is?"

"Listen, son, this happened in a dark alley, late at night, and just a short while back. Who knows? He could've gone on a impromptu vacation or something."

Zayn's eyes narrow. "He hasn't called me, his family, or his friends in three days. He doesn't do shit like that. He never came home. He didn't have a car. He had, like, what, five bucks in his wallet? What the hell kind of a vacation is that?"

"Look. I understand, that, as a concerned friend--"



"I'm his boyfriend."


"Yeah." Zayn says, scrutinizing the officer's expression. When he can see no obvious signs of discrimination, he sighs, running his hand through his hair. "Listen." he begins. "I'm gonna do my part in this. And if he shows up, I'll make sure to let you know. But please, promise me that you'll do everything you can to find out where Liam is. He--he means everything to me, all right?"

The officer opens his mouth to say something but then shuts it immediately, solemnly nodding.

Zayn gives a small nod of thanks and turns, leaving the police station.

Once outside, he sighs. He's pretty surprised that he hasn't thrown some sort of fit yet. He knows that he'd usually be slamming the cop up against a wall by now, after destroying everything on the desk and maybe even kicking some shit over. But, for some reason, he just feels tired. Too tired to cope with his anger, and it's probably because of Liam. Liam wouldn't want him to react like that. Liam would want him to stay calm and have faith. Liam would frown for weeks but wouldn't do or say anything harmful.

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