The Upside Down

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By: yourlionheartx
Summary: Zayn has been missing for seven days when the police find his body, but Liam's been talking to him through the lights and he isn't giving up on him.

This story is actually based on Stranger things.
(Spoiler alert 🚨 if you haven't seen it)

The first time that Zayn calls, Liam is on his own in his living room in London with a cigarette in his fingers that's about to burn him because he's forgotten about it. He hisses and drops it in the ashtray, glancing down when his phone buzzes. He expects Louis asking him if he's okay, if he wants to come round. Don't be alone, Li, please don't be alone. When he answers the call, Liam hears a crackling sound like white noise but louder and some kind of whirring. Then he hears ragged, panicked breaths. He knows it's Zayn. He's helped Zayn through panic attacks before, sat with him and held his hand until he could breathe again.

"Oh God, Zayn. Zayn, where are you?" The crackling gets louder, driving right through Liam's eardrum so his head hurts. "Zayn, please, talk to me," he begs.

His phone fizzes, sparks flying from it as it shocks Liam right down his arm. He drops it in surprise, staring at the blank screen. When he picks it back up, he calls Zayn's name but the phones dead. It doesn't turn back on no matter how much Liam tries, his thumb jabbing at the button until it hurts.

Zayn's been missing for five days. Stepped outside for a cigarette during a photoshoot and never came back. Liam found the but of his cigarette on the floor and no other sign of him. His phone's been disconnected and, because of the strange circumstances and the fact that it's, well, Zayn Malik from One Direction, it's being treated as suspicious. Foul play.

Liam tells the police about the phone call but they can't get his phone back on to try and track the call. It's completely fried. Liam buys a new one and he waits.

Two days after the first call, Zayn calls again. Liam has the television on, but he can't concentrate on it. When his phone rings, his hands shake as he answers.

"Zayn?" The same crackling, whirring, screeching. Liam winces.

Zayn chokes on a breath. "Liam."

Liam lets out a sob, dropping his head into his hand and tugging at his hair. "Zayn, where are you? Please, tell me." The noises get louder and Liam can hear Zayn's breathing get faster too.

"Liam," he repeats and it sounds like he's crying.

Liam closes his eyes. "Are you hurt? Zayn, do you know where you are? Are you alone?"

The noise Zayn makes then makes Liam's chest so tight it hurts. This horrible, pained whining sound. Liam can't breathe. Then the crackling sound takes over, covering up Zayn's sobs and gasps.

"Zayn, no, no, no, please." Liam lets the phone fall to floor when it zaps a shock up his arm again. The screen goes blank. Liam cries out, smacking the cushions on his sofa behind him. "No," he cries, squeezing his eyes shut. He doesn't know what's happening and he feels so hopeless. His boyfriend is God knows where and scared and alone and Liam can't fucking do anything.

I figured it out

He snaps his head up, staring at the television.

I figured it out from black and white

The channels changed from the movie Liam had on to a music channel and it's playing their song. It's playing Liam and Zayn's song.

"Zayn?" Liam whispers and the music cuts off, the television shutting off. That's when the lights start to flicker. The lamp on the ceiling and a light on Liam's coffee table both start to switch on and off and on and off and then the lamp shines really bright for just a second before it cuts out and the room plunges in darkness.

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