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Hoseok and his men announced curfew for 2 days and increased the number of guards at every gate and markets.

People were instructed not to let any stranger enter their house and in emergency citizens have to carry issued royal badge.

"It's all happening because of that evil Kim, he never let us live in peace".

An old man spoke out of nowhere among the group standing in front of Hoseok listening to his instructions.

"You're right, why can't he die? Why our kingdom has to face the demises?

Another man spoke loudly in support of previous one.

Hoseok was silently listening to the voices clenching his fists tightly. He stopped the soldiers from attacking them to the citizens who dare to badmouth their own King who always try his best to keep the people safe and here they hate him more than anyone could think.

"Everyone co operate with us otherwise the one who will help those rogues would be punished if they got caught going against the royal orders, and if anyone spot them kindly inform it to the guards and will be rewarded"

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"Everyone co operate with us otherwise the one who will help those rogues would be punished if they got caught going against the royal orders, and if anyone spot them kindly inform it to the guards and will be rewarded".

Hoseok ordered and warned the citizens ignoring all other gossips and voices. He can't harm the citizens. Taehyung already told him not to hurt any innocent ones of the kingdom without any strong reason.
Taehyung did it and got cursed still getting the punishment.

Hoseok and his group soon returned to the castle after warning the citizens. He directly went to his King who might be taking a warm bath.

While walking towards Taehyung's chamber, he heard some shuffling and noises, no one except him and Taehyung speak in the castle. Guards used to be quiet, they speak when needed.
Suddenly the most important thing hit his mind and ran towards the direction of noise. He almost forgot about prince Jungkook who was supposed to be taken back to his kingdom.

Hoseok reached the secret room where Jungkook was kept. Before he could enter, he frowned looking down at the beheaded body of a guard in front of the room.
But why would Taehyung kill his own minion?

Hoseok entered the room only to get another shock of his life. He widened his eyes after witnessing the most unexpected view and stumbled on his steps.

Jungkook was tieing some piece of clothes on Taehyung's wounds who was willingly letting the boy do that by sitting like a puppy on the floor.

If only Hoseok had arrived earlier he might got fainted when Taehyung mumbled some words which usually said by a possessive mate.

Being an innocent and young one Jungkook didn't understand but Taehyung mentally slapped himself for saying that out of nowhere.

"Y-your highness".

Hoseok managed to speak supporting himself by holding the wooden handle of door.

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