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Kingdom Elixir

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Kingdom Elixir

"Why do you keep following me huhh??

Jungkook hissed annoyingly glaring at Hoseok who has a smug expression on his face.

"I didn't know my jungkookie will change so quickly, even if you're a Queen at least give some respect to your elders. I don't have any interest in meeting you early morning but his majesty asked me to follow you and bring you to him safely in one piece".

Hoseok teased the younger.

"But I was waiting for my King, I thought we'll go together soon after breakfast".
Jungkook huffed with a pout, while tucking his hairs behind and taking out a black cloak from the wardrobe.

"Why do you suddenly started hating me huhh? What was my mistake?

Hoseok asked raising his brows.

"You tease me everytime that's why I don't like you".

Jungkook replied walking towards the door.

"Ohhhh I see, our Queen doesn't like to be teased!! But I love teasing him so there's no way I'll spare our Queen from my teases".

Hoseok smirked following Jungkook out of the Taehyung's chamber.

Jungkook closed the huge door and ignored Hoseok's blabbering, making his way towards the King waiting for his Queen near the entrance of the castle with horses and guards.

Today, as promised, while eating breakfast, Taehyung asked Jungkook for the day out.
Well promise should've been fulfilled 5 days ago but due to heavy rainfall and thunderstorms, the plan was cancelled disappointing Jungkook.

The couple entertained themselves by reading books in the library together, playing chess, younger cooking favourite dishes for his husband and then lazily sleeping around. The day after Taehyung revealed his truth to Jungkook, rainfall didn't stop for a second and for 5 days the nature showed its wrath for an unknown reason.

"Hyu-----oops Your highness!!!!

Jungkook chirped in his high pitch voice catching everyone's attention, specially the King busy guiding the guards.

As soon as Jungkook came in view being followed by Hoseok, the guards bowed in respect.
Jungkook decided to maintain the image of a perfect and decent Queen by calling his mate respectfully in front of others. Even if Taehyung loved to be called as hyung, he support his Queen in this.....

"My precious!! Why are you so late? I started worrying about you".

Taehyung spoke catching his excited husband by one arm wrapping around his waist.

"Ask your general!!!

Jungkook said non chalantly.

"W-what!! Me!! I didn't do anything your highness. I went to bring him safely and he suddenly started throwing tantrums".

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