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Kingdom Ethenite

After Jungkook got missing, Kingdom Ethenite lost it's shine, it's colours. People were busy praying to heavens to send their little prince. The elders were meditating and using their most dreadful powers to find prince's location but failed constantly. The royals simply gather around their Queen and King to support them and console them in toughest time.

No one had ever imagined a day in the palace, without cute giggles and melodic voice of Jungkook.

It was getting tough day by day....

Everyone were losing hopes except the Royal family.....

"Junho!! M-my kookie!! See this robe! He asked me to sew a same robe for him too!! And that book!! He always wanted to read that himself but I insisted to narrate every stories!! My kookie is upset, right, that's why he disappeared!!

Yuna was rambling continuously, while pointing towards the different objects in Jungkook's room.

Yuna and Junho both started coming to Jungkook's room and cry their heart out whole night remembering their lovely son.

They didn't even know where is he! How is he living! They don't even know if their only son is alive or not!!!

They denied every unimaginable circumstances related to their son because their heart knows, he's somewhere safe.
But the prince's disappearance created a worst impact on the Royal family.

Yuna is on the verge to lose her senses and Junho don't even remember when did he even talked last time....

And here both husband and wife were sitting at the floor of Jungkook's room caressing his pretty cute dresses and plushies. Their eyes filled with tears and words only calling for their missing son.

Only if they knew this day would've come, they would never leave Jungkook alone.

And the one who is blaming himself for the prince's sudden disappearance also didn't leave the room from the day Jungkook goes missing. Little Jimin too cries day and night except when he sleep in his mother's arms clutching her gown tightly.

The one who is sane and handling the other matters was Ryujin. Already undergone through a lot of sufferings, she was used to maintain her sanity and emotions while taking care of her loved ones. She cried too but remained strong for her only family. She too knew Jungkook is fine somewhere and might return soon.

She already sent letters to her Kingdom's minister to handle the Royal matters until she'll return, in urgency only, she should be summoned.....

Ryujin never saw a trueblood royal alpha like Junho to breakdown like pieces of fragile glass. She knew how much Junho acted strong when his lovely son disappeared, acted harsh and cold just to hide those threatening tears. After the things got out of hands, he lost his inner battle and cried his heart out hugging his only support, his wife Yuna.

Ryujin's heart broke more when her innocent son continuously blamed himself and refused to talk until he'll see his cousin.

"Please eat something unnie!! Please I can't see you like this!! Our kookie won't like it!!

Yuna snapped her head towards Ryujin sitting beside her holding a tray full of foods. Her eyes desperate with a hope to see her son as soon as possible but to her dismay it was just a name that left ryujin's lips.

"Nooo!! Get out!! I'll eat with my kookie!!

Yuna was about to throw her hands but Ryujin immediately turned around and sighed before standing up in disappointment and leaving her elder twin behind.

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