Why, Hyung??

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Kingdom Elixir

People often don't mind the behaviour or any kind of embarrassment given by their loved ones or someone very close.

Of course, you ignore every single lacks of that very person whom you now consider as the part of your life.

Just like Yoongi gained two people Yeonjun and Elder Dan on his side, he literally ignored how talkative and annoying they are. He hates attention and continuous babbling but can listen to Yeonjun. He see Elder Dan as his father figure.

Yoongi never expected he will live for 500 years, he will become a disciple of an Elder despite being a trueblood royal vampire himself.

He completed a long journey just for his brother, to repent on his mistakes, the mistake of leaving his family. He should've fought even if his parents forced him to leave, but he couldn't disrespect the last orders of his almighty father Kim Namjoon.

Earning a blessing to become immortal after lots of struggles, one thing he was desperate about and that was to break the curse of his brother and let him live like he deserves.
He played with fire, taking shelter under dark spirits and surrounded by black magic and cruel rogues, he achieved what he wished for....

"Hufff!! Finally!! Oiii why are you zoning out?? Come on I can't wait anymore to meet your brother".

Elder Dan huffed smacking yoongi's head who was busy staring at the castle.

The day arrived when he has to confront----meet his brother.

"Elder I think he is suffering from a disorder. He always stared blankly at anything, anytime".

Yeonjun teased earning a blank glare from Yoongi.

The trio was standing in front of gate of the castle.
Last time they were in hurry and hiding their identity but today it's different. They have to face everyone.

"Shut up you both!! Don't you have anything else to do, always rambling and eating my brain ".

"Yaahhh!! Respect me. I'm elder than you".

"Okay then do something that will make me respect you".

"Whatt?? This brat!! Unbelievable!!

Yeonjun facepalmed himself looking at the duo arguing like there's no tomorrow.
They literally travelled for long hours and yet are energetic to argue on senseless topics.

Jungkook was humming and searching the beautiful cloth set that Taehyung gifted him after their wedding ceremony. Younger received lots of gifts everyday like silk robes, beautiful dress sets and leather boots, accessories and most importantly his delicious banana milk.

He blushed smiling to himself, thinking about all the love elder is showering even if he is inexperienced.

Love is something that could change a cold heart and make them do impossible.....

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