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Kingdom Elixir

Few weeks later

After the fight, numerous changes were seen. The other kingdoms were surprised once they received the news about fight from their spies.

Earlier after Jungkook was betrothed to Taehyung, from that day onwards spies of other kingdoms roamed around the Kingdom Elixir in hope of some interesting news, but to their dismay, no general people were allowed even in 500mtr distance of the castle. But the fight occurred and almost all spies witnessed that hiding in the forest.

But that didn't brought any difference, instead newly crowned kings learnt not to insert their nose in Kim Taehyung's business or any personal matters anymore. He's a walking fire himself who would burn them down if they dared to even take his loved ones name.

Better not to come in Taehyung's bad books....

And about the citizens of Elixir they were addressed by Taehyung and he revealed his past as well as about the real culprits, also he declared that he's just a mortal trueblood vampire King, the curse was broken.
It's not his business to give a whole explanation to those who blindly trust the rumours about their own King.

It did brought a whole wave of regret amongst citizens but they vowed that in future they'll not repeat the mistake and will actively take part in general public meetings and royal holdings in castle.

They learnt, their King wasn't really a monster, he was just a misunderstood villain. He secretly punished the fierce and hungry creatures for hurting his people and innocents. He was the one who killed the dragons who invaded their land.
He was a hidden hero all the time....

"Leave me please, hyung".

Jungkook whined almost nth time and wiggled harshly to set himself free from the bulky arms that had caged him from behind.

"No, not in mood, darling. I would prefer to stay like this whole day. Or I really love to stay inside you".

Taehyung smirked licking Jungkook's earlobe tilting his head, his hot breath fanning on Jungkook's right cheek.

"I see, you resist more when you blush right!!

Taehyung chuckled when Jungkook hit his chest with the elbow and bit his lower lips in embarrassment.
He had practised a lot in absence of Taehyung, to not blush and redden his cheeks in front of Taehyung or while being intimate. But his flirty and handsome husband made him fail once he start talking dirty or shamelessly touch him whenever he want.

"You look like a ripe apple".

Taehyung laughed fondly caressing Jungkook's cheeks with his knuckles.

Before he could run his thumb over cherry lips, Jungkook turned himself and tried to glare at Taehyung.

"Don't you have any work today, huhh!! Why are you wasting time here, go go, ministers might be waiting for you".

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