chapter : 1

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it was dark. the air cold and scary around me. my breath was catching up its pace. my eyes slowly regaining their ability to see. they open up and i felt all the bones in my legs cracking at once. i felt my hand dropping the moment i touch my face. my head felt dizzy again and i flinched to the sudden light before my eyes.

i could feel people moving around me. when i was used to the bright light, i opened my eyes again and tried to move my hand, it ached like the veins were going burst open.

i wanted to scream in pain but my voice would have been buried underneath the sharp noises around me. giving up on everything, my eyes closed again.

a sudden beam of light hit my face and i woke up. the only thing i saw was the white ceiling and then heard some 'peeps'. i couldn't move but luckily i surpassed my limits and moved a finger.

the next thing i knew was my mother in front of me, panicked and crying. she touched me and then rushed to what seemed like a door. she called someone and few people walked in.

i recognize only one of them - my father. he was crying, my mother was crying even harder and one of the few people i mentioned walked to me and held something against my chest and the realization hits me.

i was in a hospital.

just like that few days passed and i wasn't able to move whatsoever let alone speak. i was forced the liquid food and juices down my throat without any protest coming from me. no one was speaking anything important, no one was explaining me what the fuck happened to me. well more than anything i wasn't in a right state of mind to hear or talk anything.

few more days and i thanked heavens for making me speak. when i was back to my senses my parents cried a lot, eventually making me cry as well.


i shifted my attention to the main guy here, the doctor.

"how are you feeling?"

i just nodded.

"well you are in the hospital for more than two weeks."

"i-i know.." my head ached but i wanted to know, "what happened?"

the question i asked made everyone go silent. no one was speaking, only my mother's faint sob in the room.

"you met with an accident."

"what accident?"

the doctor looked beside me towards the door from where two people walked in. when i turned to them, my mind went blank. my eyes widened when they sat beside my parents with teary eyes.

flaskbacks hit my head making the pain worse but i need to know. i recalled the darkness, the noises, the pain. the screams and my bones crushing, the sudden light blinding me and me passing out. my head started spinning when i finally had the answer to everything.

"w-where is ethan?"


it was dark. the air cold and scary around me. my breath was catching up its pace. my eyes slowly regaining their ability to see. they open up but i didn't feel the pain. my bones didn't break when i moved. my hand didn't drop when i touch my face.

i didn't hear any noises, i didn't see any bright light blinding me, i didn't feel any noises around me burring my own voice.

things around me shifted and i was finally blinded by a bright light. that was the moment i panicked. i held the roots of my hair and unknowingly tears rolled down my face.

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