chapter : 13

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if i disagreed to grace's telepathy about me overthinking first, right now i approve her. i was surely overthinking about her saying christopher was missing me, i don't even know why. although she cleared the very next second that he asked about me for three days and not exactly said that he miss me.

and... the side effect of the overthinking is this - me walking inside the silent club down the road after texting my father that i will be late home.

"y/n is back folks!" i frowned in confusing when noah announced this while we were given the headphones which as a ritual i pulled down.

"oh?! y/n!! hey!" felix wrapped his arms around me being careful even if he was half drunk.

"hey, felix. having a good time?"

"yess! and now that you are here my brother too will have a great time." he wiggled his eyebrows.

i felt a little heat across my cheeks. "why?"

"because since three days he's taking care of my drunk self and third wheeling grace and noah. he wasn't having a great time at all-"

"not true!"

i turned around instantly after hearing the voice after three days. not that i was looking forward to it because if so i would go here every night not caring my parents were home. still christopher's presence warmed the air around me.

"its true! you were not smili-"

"drinks on me. go ahead." christopher knows how to wrap his cousin around his finger.

"such a manipulator." i say making the blond grin from ear to ear.

i sat down on the empty seat while christopher shooed felix away. he walked towards me once he succeed pushing felix on the dance floor.




another rose.
i wonder he knew i was going there tonight or if he often carries flowers with him. "it's lovely. did you go to your nanny today as well?"

"uh.. yes."

when he asked for drinks i said no knowing i will be having another drinking event at my house as my last night with my family before they go back home.

"you can order."

"no, i will have to carry lix back home, that menace."

"he's cute though." i chuckled watching felix doing tiktok dances on the dance floor.

"until you have to carry him." christopher rolls his eyes.

"is it true?" he looked at me. "umm what felix was saying.."

"oh- no! no. i mean yes- i mean of course i missed my toy friend and.. and i didn't like thrid wheeling or handling a drunk cousin but- it's not so-"

"i know." i almost lost it when he started panicking.

"oh.. oh."

"how was work?"

"as usual. update : there's this festival at the university which is held at the end of the semester every year. i was wondering if you could join- of course i will ask noah and grace too. felix went with me last year so if you are interested."

"yeah. let's go." i was surprised myself that i said yes. but a little festival doesn't hurt, no?

"it's in a month though."

i nod and there was a pause and i suddenly felt like asking, "what do you teach though? you never told me."

"take a guess."

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