chapter : 15

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"i think i should work this whole week."

"no. no, emi. you shouldn't-"

"don't worry i won't demand an increase in my pay." she laughs placing a plate of pancakes in front of me.

"you know that's not the case. i just don't want you to over work. you are already doing a lot."


i didn't have any appetite but i finished almost everything in the plate for emi's sake. it's been a while since i was conscious about my outfit especially now that i was going out with a certain blond where there won't be grace or noah to run to if i embarrass myself. not that i haven't made fun of myself multiple times in front of christopher.

that guy is certainly getting to know me more and more day by day.

once taking final glance at my outfit - sky blue crepe top and navy blue jeans, perfect for a hospital visit, i sigh slipping on my shoes, ready to walk out of the house.

"see ya, y/n."

"bye, emi."

christopher was standing under the streetlight where we usually part ways. i internally groaned because he was really going to go with me.

"hey." i say gripping the clutch tighter in my right hand.

"hi." he says with a smile and then as usual hands me rose.

"you don't hav-"

"how are you?"

he ignored me. i nodded watching the rose in my left hand. "better."

"let's go?" he took the big hospital bag from my hand, making it easy for me to just hold the clutch, and we walked to the subway.

during the whole journey my mind shifted from the blond to my health. the anxiety was common for me but i was having a real bad feeling about this visit. especially for ignoring my new doctor for weeks.

we took seats by the time the receptionist checks in my appointment for MRI scan beforehand. i was already biting on my lower lip and the presence of the man beside me was not helping at all.

he would soon know about all my injuries, all my weaknesses.

last night i was recollecting my mother's words about how i should forgive myself. christopher was my friend but this was happening too fast. he's kind and caring but even though i try to ignore him, the swelling in my heart keeps growing more and more.

"are you mad that i forced you to let me go with you?"


"i would have said so if i was mad." i say and even if i was looking at the white wall in front of me, i could already imagine a smile on his face. "but you really didn't have to. you have work moreover... your female students must be gloomy right now."

"stop!" his first laugh of the day and it was as sweet as always. "you can't say that every time and well as i said i already managed my work. i told them that i have to make mock papers for the class."

"and they agreed?"

"the head of the department is a woman so.."

i turned to him as series of laughter filled the air around us.

"seriously though, how are you feeling?" he asked again.

"fortunately i didn't burn my hand but-"

"but.." his eyes wider than normal.

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