chapter : 17

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"here's your black coffee."

i thanked the barista and walked towards the seat reserved for me.

"black coffee? you okay?"

"yes. why?"

felix eyed me from his seat. "you don't drink coffee unless something is going on in that red head of yours."

"shut up don't call me that." i roll my eyes at the red head. almost ten plus years of me dying my hair red and my dear cousin still refuse to let the disaster slide.

"okay, what's happening? tell me."

"nothing, felix." i groan.


i gave up knowing he won't stop until i answer him. so i took a sip of the coffee and say, "yes. it's a hangover."

"did you drink by yourself?" he gave me an offended look. "was your cousin dead? why didn't you te-"

"okay. i lied." i say calming felix a little. "i was not drinking."

"what's going on, chan?" his eyes were concerned.

it's been a day since i walked y/n back home after her check up. it was not a good idea. not at all. i fucked up in a worst way possible. i could instantly tell she was hurt. more than anything i was the one to hurt her.

i opened my mouth and then shut it down. "why did you want to meet?"

he clicked his tongue when i ignored his question. "nanny asked if we were free next weekend. she wants to throw a little party."

"don't tell me-"

"yes, 50th anniversary of her floral shop."

"shit-" i sighed rubbing my face. "i forgot."

"i know." he shrugged taking a bite of his blueberry muffin. "she asked to keep your schedule free on that weekend, especially saturday."

"do we plan a surprise for her?"

"duh! do you think i called you here just to pass on this message to you?" he hissed, "of course we are preparing a surprise for her."

"why don't you tell her you're gay? i bet that will give her the biggest surprise she's craving for years." a little humorless behavior can help with stress they say.

"jokes on you. it's already on my list." he says almost choking me on my coffee. "why don't you start dating? bet it will surprise her more."

"stop it."

"you are getting older and older day by day. stop being a pussy and just go for it."

"mind your language, lix."

"on a serious note what happened, chris?"

"not now, lix. give me some time? please?"

"okayy." he nodded giving me a smile.


the issue turned serious. i knew i fucked up and i knew i should apologize but y/n didn't go to the club that evening. my shoulders slumped as soon as grace told me that y/n took two days leave.

the same happened next evening and something in my chest ache. noah happened to notice that as well. the first hour at the club i spent on phone and the second hour felt a little lonely.

as of cue noah walked to me wrapping his arm around my shoulder. we clinked our glasses and i drank my first drink in three days.

"so what's the beef?"

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