chapter : 11

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it was a late sunday morning. i lay back on the bed and a heavy sigh leaves my mouth when i watch the screen of my phone. i closed my eyes as the words in the document kept blinding my vision.

i breathed in and walked towards the standing mirror. my fingers folded around the hem of the tshirt and i watched my reflection. the scars uncovered by my night suit were on display.

the small one on my upper arm and another slightly below the right side of my chest didn't change anything as me being used to it. but as my gaze travelled to my hind limbs, my stomach churned. it's not like i wasn't used to seeing them everyday but it still haunts me.

a slash across my left thigh and rest of the unsightly on and below my calves till they reach my ankle. fresh skin covered the torn area making it imperfect. they were healed from above leaving the ugliness still linger inside.

i shook my head.
no time for this.

i limped towards the living room and sat at the couch with a notepad. i made a quick to-do list which consisted of grocery shopping, arranging my closet, buying vegetables and my medicines, paying rent and electricity bills.

i started off with arranging my closet. folding the clothes, putting them on hangers, dirty ones in the laundry basket and the ones needing ironing on the ironing board.

in past few weeks i did some shopping for essential things like ironing board, few kitchenwares like kettle and toaster and few more flower pots for my balcony. i smiled knowing i was making the apparment my real home.

it took me two hours to finish with my closet along with ironing the clothes and tossing the dirty ones in the washing machine. then i paid my electricity bill and apparment rent both online.

while i fish through the tabs in my laptop i realized the company i gave my interview for didn't contact me and it clicked that i failed.

"of course. no one needs a handicap in their office." i say then sigh. "this can't get any worse!"

veggie wraps aren't too bad for a lunch after all. my mom scolded me once for having it as my only lunch as a college student but she's not here now. i smirked at the thought washing the utensils i used.

i worked on my laptop until the sun calmed down a little into late afternoon. i then made a quick list of things i need to buy.

green sweatshirt, blue jeans - i put them on the bed and after i reached for the first button of my night suit the door bell rings.

i tsked limping towards the door. i opened it and peeked through it to see no one. i closed the door and turned back but heard the bell again. i opened up to see no one again.

i shrugged and before i reach my room, i heard the doorbell again. this time i walked out of the house and then towards the hallway and looked down the stairs to see no one there... again.

when i reached back to my flat i flinched back. i remembered closing the door, not lock but closing it shut, and now it was open. panic fill my eyes.

thankfully i had my phone in my pocket. i dialed a number and walked few steps away from my apartment. i wasn't close to my neighbors and before jumping to the conclusion i decided not to freak out.


"noah, i think someone broke in my house."

"wait- what?!" i heard a thud from the other line as if he slammed papers on desk.

"i-i heard doorbells first and there was no one outside so i walked in the hallway to see if someone was there but there was no one and i went back to my flat just too see the door open." i say keeping myself as calm as possible.

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