chapter : 25

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i was busted in a real bad way and i blame grace for that. yes, i loved that my friends are at my place but that was unannounced and just like that... christopher caught me.

he was kind enough to not make me feel embarrassed but it was still kind of. christopher's eyes were almost shining while looking at the jar and the bouquet.

we were eating pizzas. the house was lively after weeks. i was watching felix's sober self for the second time now. i realized that he's not always full of energy, he takes his time to calm down like how right now he was snuggling into matthew's large figure.

every now and then someone would crack a joke and we would laugh and add up new humor to it but after a while we would quite down. grace was busy on her laptop doing her project with her lover beside her creasing her head.

that leaves me and christopher who was typing something on his phone. i got up from my seat to get my laptop to start working as well.

"wait." i heard christopher. "let me.." he extended his hand and i sighed.

"it's okay, you sit. i will grab my laptop and get here back-"

"no." noah cuts me off. "let him take you."

both christopher and i looked at noah. christopher shook his head and stood up beside me. i held his arm as he walked me towards my room.

"i walk around like this everyday, christopher."

"not when i am around."

"my dad says exactly same."

"see?" his eyes lit up. "now i have to say it on behalf of him everytime you walk around without any support."

i grabbed my laptop with a small smile playing on my lips. "i can't win against either of you."

"may i?" he asks pointing at small sofa chair.

"yes, please." i sat leaning back on the headboard while christopher sat across me, his eyes on the small book shelf beside him. "feel free to read anything."

he picked up a book and started reading while i started working on my laptop. time passed by and by the time i was done with my project, they sun was already down. two hours passed in a blink of eye.

i glanced up at christopher, after saving the files, to see him fast asleep. i remember him telling me once that he has insomnia - which was and is still shocking. the book he was reading was now in his lap while he was slumped down in a comfortable position.

lord knows what struck my mind when i shifted myself on the edge of my bed. like this i was sat right in front of him. i leaned forward a little to get a view of his face which was faced downward.

my eyes traveled to his cheeks first - i suppressed the urge to poke them to have his dimples visible. his sharp cheekbones then his lashes sitting peacefully under his eyes. his perfect earlobes then the tip of his nose. my heart beating faster when i caught a sight of his lips.

just like that my mind went back to the night which was haunting me since days but i didn't find myself complaining. i wonder why...

christopher's chest moved up and down as he breathed softly. nothing in the whole world looked as peaceful as the man before me. i couldn't look away from him leading to warming of my cheeks.

then he stirred a little which still didn't help me moving back. he let out a sigh signaling that he is waking up. now he was slowly opening his eyes and i still refused. he would wake up and find me crazy but i think i might let him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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