chapter : 4

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i took a seat on a metal bench and placed a paper bag on my lap. this hospital is a lot more busy place that the one is visited when i still lived with my parents.

i was supposed to be here a week and half earlier but guess who canceled their first ever appointment with their new doctor? me because i had to. i was given a project, my first ever qualifying project and i didn't want to fail so i had to cancel the appointment just to have it shift a week and half later.

"miss. y/n morrow?"

"yes." i stood up carefully.

tapping my crutch on the linoleum tiles i stood in front of a half transparent door. i knocked twice and received a - come in.

i entered through the door and walked further inside. the whole room was white as expected but there were lots of models of bones and cartilages of a human body. from the vertebral column to tarsals and metatarsals. a person sat in the chair was studying a file which seemed like a report glanced up at me.

"please take a seat." he smiled and waited for me to sit on one of the two chairs.

i secured the crutch down and sat up straight.

"this is dr. smith."

"hello doctor i am y/n morrow."

"dr. jones already told me about what actually happened and your injures as well so i won't ask you about the first part but for the later one let me ask you, y/n how are you doing? especially now that you've moved out from your parent's house."

"its just been two and a half weeks i have moved out so there's not much change or anything but as my schedule is now packed i think i get backpains a lot recently and sometimes i sprain my healthy leg. it's uncomfortable."

"of course it's uncomfortable. okay let me see your arm first."

i extended my left arm and he held it gently. he first pressed few areas from my forearm to the elbow. i flinched a little when he pressed a little too much at the middle of the forearm.

the doctor then started rotating my hand and i was able to go through it without wincing. he nodded as if he was calculating something in his head. then he did the same two examinations on my right leg but with it, it was so painful that i was continuously jumping on my seat.

"your ex-doctor was right when he said your arm is healing properly. your leg needs care. don't worry," he started typing on the keyboard, "i will prescribe you some medicines so you can stop taking your old ones. i would also suggest physiotherapy. any queries?"

my throat felt dry because i have never asked this question before to my old doctor but i was always curious about it.

i chewed on my lower lip while the man in front of me was continuously typing and looking up at the pc.

"h-how much time will it take to heal completely?"

the moment i ask this the doctor looked up at me and fixed his glasses but went back to his typing again. he says, "more the care, faster the healing."

"exactly how much time then?"

"maybe months? or years?" he shifted his gaze on the anxious me again, "it's scary right?"


"it's scary when you realize your leg and arm becomes injured overnight to a point it takes months for them to function properly again. but y/n, its a part of our life. trust the process and trust yourself. you will be walking properly again soon."

i gave him a pursed lips smile.

i paid for the medicine i bought from the pharmacy which was at the ground floor of the hospital.

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