chapter : 20

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"you will be fine."

a night before the event and it's been half an hour of grace repeating the same line to me continuously while i was trying not to freak out.

"will she like the gift?"

"she would love it." grace emphasized on love. "see just go with flow. you know christopher and felix both so you won't feel lonely."

"it's not about feeling lonely."

"okay, then awkward. you won't be awkward."

i nodded still being hesitant.

after a few more minutes like that we ended the call and i flopped in my bed still thinking about the event.

"i am definitely going to embarrass myself." i mumbled to myself and was restless for a while.

should i text christopher?
what should i tell him though?

but i did not. i can't just tell him that i was nervous to meet his family. i slept after an hour of overthinking and woke up a little late.

christopher had texted me that he will pick me up at 3.30 pm. i was getting ready while face timing grace. she was assuring me that i will be fine and that i look good.

after getting ready i saw myself in the mirror. my eyes already filled with tears. the last time i wore a dress, the last time i wore make up and the last time i saw myself getting ready seemed decades ago while it was just a few months back.

"okay." i pushed the thoughts away and clicked a picture of myself to send it to grace and my mom. "let's go."

i walked out of the apartment while holding the gift to my chest with the left hand and watching my step.

christopher's car was in view in just a few minutes. he walked out and immediately took the gift bag from me.

i relaxed after the burden in my hands was gone and then took in the moment. christopher wearing a yellow shirt, with short sleeve, on which tiny flowers crocheted on the pocket and blue jeans. his curly hair were not torcherd to sit styled but let loose and fluffy. i resisted the urge to ruffle them. it was new yet surprising to see him in something completely different from his usual clothes.

his cheeks and ears were flushed with red. he was also surprised to see me i guess. he then smiled and i did too.

"you look pretty."

i didn't expect him to say that, at least say that aloud. we didn't compliment each other since we met, more like never got any reason to do so.

"thank you." i tell him and he as usual handed me a rose.

i felt so cruel to sit at the back seat. christopher never asked me the reason nor he complained but simply opened the back seat door and acted as if it was normal.

"it will take us half an hour."

"yes, i checked it last night." i looked around his car - the front seat had a large bouquet of tulips, beside me were three boxes of gifts amongst which one was mine and another bouquet of lilies.

"y/n, are you nervous?"

that was the least thing i wanted to hear from him and tell him. "a little."

"you will be fine. in fact they will be so happy to have you because you know it's the first time i am taking a date with me."

the reminder did something in my stomach. i could see christopher grinning from the rear view. i looked away, out of the window. "i see."

as the tall buildings started disappearing from the view, my palms were getting sweaty. then came streets with almost no vehicles and very few shops and people. finally a house, a lake house, was in a view which was already decorated enough to know that it was our destination.

"we're here." christopher confirms making a knot to form in my stomach.

he slowed down, pressed the horn twice probably to let people know we're here and finally pulled up. christopher unbuckled his seat belt and turned towards me. he got off the car and then walked around to open my door.

"shall we?" he asks like a prince ready to escort his date to a ball.

okay relax.

i nodded and he held my crutch for me while i stand on my feet. he closed the door behind me once taking out the gifts. while i adjusted my dress and bag one last time before we started hearing voices from the other side of the car.

"wha-! channie got a date?!"

"no way! is this some dream?!" a female voice.

"he betrayed me! he didn't tell me anything about it!" felix's voice.

"i think i am crying! my baby grew up!" another female voice.

christopher laughed beside me while i stared him with surprise and nervousness.

"let's go." he whispers before placing his hand on my back.

i stiffened for a second by his gesture. i took in his scent, his hand touching me, we walked slowly, at my pace, and finally in the vision of christopher's family.

around twenty people staring right towards us. few gasping, few not moving at all and one of them screamed making both christopher and i flinch a little.

it was obviously felix.

"y/n?!" he practically ran towards us.

he was wearing a pink tshirt with flower design all over it and white shorts. his hair bouncing all the way till he stood before us. he gave me his usual careful hug.

"i am so happy you came!" he says and i chuckled. he pull away from the hug and turned towards christopher. "dear cousin, you are no more a coward to ask girls out huh?"

"umm.. well i was never a coward, dear cousin. i just don't know how to ask every breathing person around me to go out with me." felix rolled his eyes while christopher laughed and pat his shoulder. "help me get the things out of the car please."

he handed felix his car keys and then gestured me to walk ahead. the nervousness kicked again but it wasn't as severe as before. we finally stood before his whole family.

"chris! you did not just-"

"i just brought my secret date, mom." he replied to a brown hair woman who had the same coloured eyes as christopher. his mother.

"so proud of you, son." that was his father.

"guys, this is y/n morrow. she's my friend and well my date for the evening."

we walked inside the house and it was really big. big enough to hold the family of fifteen people and their dates. the sitting room decorated with flowers and baloons and from the kitchen i could smell something sweet.

everyone settled down and christopher started introducing his family to me. snacks were kept before me, i just took the glass of juice.

"thanks for having me." i tell them.

"thanks for coming, honey." the oldest woman in the room says.

"congratulations." i say with a smile and i handed her the gift.

everyone's eyes were on the box. more gasping, more screams, more cheering filled the air making all the nervousness to fade away in a second. everyone was pleased to see the radio in nanny's hands.

"sorry kids but this is the loveliest and most thoughtful gift of the day." she announces and pats my head. "thanks, sweetheart."

i smiled. felix's sister took the radio from nanny and put in the cassette and finally played a song nanny suggested.

"this is so good!" christopher's aunt, alice, says.

i was relieved. i sighed as more and more compliments came my way. when i turned to my right, christopher was already grinning at me, his eyes on verge of disappearing while dimples were in sight.

"she loved it." i whispered to him excited.

"i knew it."


chapter 20!!
i will post the next chapter tomorrow itself!!

thanks for reading 💗

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