chapter : 2

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i was sat in ethan's room with my laptop before me. my father left to do some work nearby the block but he was going to pick me from the browns' after dinner. i bit on my lower lip as anxiety kicked my insides again with every minute passing by.



oh shit.

"dinner is ready." mrs. brown says as she approaches me.

"oh.. let me grab my meds."

"let me help you-"

"no it's fine." i smile a little, "you can go ahead, i will be there in a minute."

she pats my shoulder before leaving her son's room. i sighed a little before shifting myself on my feet. i grabbed the needed pills and walked out with my crutch.

my heart ached watching the food on the table. french onion pasta, meat balls, spaghetti, plain fried rice and ethan's favorite chicken bake.

i took a seat. we started eating the food in silence and with every second my heart was racing wildly. when i looked up i could feel the same tension on the forehead of my 'would have been' in laws. i frowned a little but decided to let them eat first before i speak anything.

few minutes later the two elders started talking about something least intresting for my taste. i rolled the spaghetti around my fork when another precious memory crossed  my mind.

it was around ethan and my engagement shopping. i remember him warning me that elder's talks is the least thing in the entire world he wanted to listen to. so when we were in a restaurant after shopping ethan decided to sneak us out by lying that he forgot his wallet in the jewelry shop we visit before.

'guess their talks are really boring, eth.'

the dinner was done but we were still seated on our chairs and eventually learnt that they also wanted to talk to me something serious.

"is there anything bothering you?"

ok it's time.

"i want to talk to you but you can speak first."

they stared each other for a while before ethan's father opened his mouth, "we want to talk to you about your future."

my frown deepned and i nodded for them to speak further.

"we mean..." the older lady trailed, "we want you and actually you also must think about it ok?"

"what is it?"

"it's time for you to move on, sweetheart."

"i was going to-"

"we are not talking about working and earning, y/n." she looked at her husband again and then into my eyes, "you should move on from ethan."

the words were more than enough to crush my heart and hopes in tiny pieces. i believe my face turned pale and my mind dizzy just by hearing what she said.

"hear me out, y/n. i know our son was your fiancé and he meant world to you but please don't be so selfless that even in his absence you will still wait for him. no, you shouldn't and no one should do this. we lost our son and our only child. so i know how you are feeling but that doesn't mean you should let this hold you back. ethan would have never accepted this."

what was she saying? why was she saying that? why was she telling me that ethan is never returning and that i should forget him?

tears fell from the corner of the eyes of the parents who were still grieving for their son. just how heartless this life is for them and ethan. he wanted to achieve every goal of his, to fulfill every wish of his, to give everything for the people he loved but look.. the people he loved are crying their heart out for him.

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