chapter : 24

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it was lunch time and i was eating my food in the staff room while going through some notes i'd prepared for my students. then my phone pinged and a notification popped up. it was noah's text so i clicked on it and read,

noah :
call me if you're free right now

i called him.

"didn't know professor bahng was this free."

"okay cut that and shoot."

"y/n and grace both are on leave for completing some project. grace called me this morning saying the project is no big deal to both the girls and that they can do it in just few hours."

"okay.." i nodded in confusion.

"here's the main dish - grace suggested we all go at y/n's to surprise her with food and drinks."

"wait- what?" i frowned but was excited at the back of my mind. "out of the blue?"

"dumbass, surprises are meant to be out of the blue." he groaned.

"okay but what if-"

"no what ifs! i will handle it! don't act like my friend is some demon who will eat you wholly if she is upset! now get your ass at y/n's in an hour." grace scolded and i suddenly was more scared of her.

"yes, ma'am."

"sorry bro." noah sighed.

"no, it's okay." i tell him. "i will be there in an hour."

it was easy for me to trick the head of the department, her being a lady. if i tell that to y/n she would definitely laugh.

i exited the uni and hurried back home to get changed into a simple black full sleeve tshirt and jeans. i called felix on my way back home and he said he would be there with matthew.

i checked myself in the mirror one last time, combing my hair for the last time and then finally walked out of my house. there was a little nervousness within me considering it was my first time going to her place. i took a different route.

did she feel the same while visiting nanny? heck there was my whole family! brave soul!

noah and grace were already there and it took me five more minutes to reach. after a while felix and matthew reached. noah rubbed my back and i tried not freak out while walking inside the gates of her building.

i never crossed the line beyond the lamppost but here i was walking up the stairs which would lead me to y/n's house. grace pressed the bell and i breathed in and calmed my nerves.

then the door opened revealing y/n in a blue tshirt and black sweatpants. her eyes wide open upon seeing us and she almost dropped the phone from her hand.

"oh my god."

"hello!" grace hugged her, then went my over excited cousin.

she processed the whole thing and finally sighed out. y/n gave us a smile. "who planned this? well, whoever did, thanks."

"your girl grace!" noah points at grace while she did a pose.

"guys get in-"

"are those your friends?!" a female voice and it was familiar.

y/n held her phone up. "i forgot we're still on call. yes mom, these are my friends."

one by one she started introducing us while flashing the front camera before us. all of them were introduced and then the camera shifted. only y/n and i were in the frame. i was anticipating to what she'd say about me.

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