chapter : 21

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if someone tells me that i was dreaming, i would belive them right away. y/n morrow took my breathe miles away looking as gorgeous as she can.

the beige floral dress reaching a little above her ankles. her brown hair clipped back and let loose till her waist, her usual vanilla scent, the pink of her blush and red of her lips were enough to fade everything around us into grey.

she shone the brightest in my eyes.

"chan, you asked y/n? and she said yes?" felix asked putting a daisy bouquet on the table.

"why is this so surprising? what's surprising is that you brought your boyfriend here, you never did before."

"shut up he's not my boyfriend yet." he hit me on my arm. "its surprising because you never brought anyone here before. and you never told me you and y/n were this close."

i shrugged and sipped my drink. y/n was surrounded by my cousins, their dates and nanny. they were all listening to music on the radio while smiles and surprise flashing over their faces.

"and this is jamie, felix's younger sister, the youngest amongst us." i introduced to y/n as jamie was the last person to arrive with her date.

"hi!" jamie exclaims with a big smile and extended her hand. "you can call me jam, they all do." she says.

"jam.." y/n shook jamie's hand. "that's cute."

"oh this is berry." felix picked up the dog. "and that's blue." he pointed at the cat in cassie's, my sister's, lap.

"so... blueberry?" y/n chuckled at the humour.

she pet the animals while everyone talked about their work or studies. she was sat between felix and i and felix was giving her a great company. she herself wasn't looking for me, it was something i didn't want but that meant she is finally comfortable.

"how did he ask you out? i mean as his date?" steven, my maternal uncle's son asks.

"did he force you?" jamie asks making me roll my eyes.

"no, he didn't." y/n says, "he pretty much.." then she looked at me.

gosh that smile.

"he pretty much asked me directly."


"you don't need to know the details."

"i need to know the details. you can't just backstab me like that, bang chan."

"well you also didn't tell me that you're bringing matt, lee yongbok."

"well that was obvious. i told you were-"

"last week." y/n cuts us off. "he asked me last week, felix."

"don't mind them, y/n. trust me they are each other's favorite cousins," ava, felix's elder sister, says taking a sip of her juice.

"not true."

"not true."

y/n laughed.
she fucking laughed. her hand on her mouth while her eyes disappearing. the sound of her giggles, her scrunched nose and reddened cheeks.

oh god.

when my gaze turned from her i saw nanny staring at me. she showed me her evil smirk and i sighed knowing what was coming.

"you into her?" she whispers in my ear and i thanked jamie and steven silently for being loud enough for the question to not reach y/n.

"i am not."

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