chapter : 14

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i stare at my laptop screen for about five minutes now. realizing i would worry about it the whole day, i closed the lid and went back to my lunch.

"i am leaving first," noah says before kissing the back of grace's hand and walking back to the office.

"y/n," grace calls.


"i wanna know about you."

"you know everything?" i frown looking at her.

"what's going on with you and christopher?"

"as in?"

"as in yall are getting closer and closer."

"ha?" the frown narrowed. "we're friends. since we can't third wheel a certain couple-"

"we don't need privacy tho since we love drinking with felix. it's friends time, okay? not that i am complaining about you with christopher but we need tea so..." she raised her eyebrows.

i put the spoon down and leaned forward. "we're friends."


"what do you mean by boring?" i laughed at her eye roll.

"you'll know." with this she walked up to leave.

i'll know what?

that evening when we were dismissed, we walked out of the office to have a surprise. christopher was standing at the office gate and noah was the first one to approach him.

"what a surprise." noah says as the bumb fists.

christopher smiled at me and i smiled back. the words from the last night still lingered in my head but i decided to keep that feeling aside to not embarrass myself.

"where is felix?"

"on a date."

"what?! oh my god!" grace exclaimed. "with who?"

"assistant manager of the company."

"well what brings you here?"


i snap my head when he said that. grace smirked at me while noah had a his eyebrow raised up.

"i want to talk to y/n."

"y-yes." i say.

he said it was something important so we have to take the conversation somewhere else. noah and grace left first and christopher asked if we could talk with some coffee.

the bell jingles when we walk into a cafe nearby my office. it was warm and christopher asked me to take a seat while he gave an order.

i stare at him while he talked to the lady at the counter. navy blue shirt, sleeves folded upto his elbows; beige trousers and brown loafers. what caught my attention the most were his curls which sat atop neatly on his head - they looked soft.

i looked away when he walked towards me with a tray of two coffee mugs and pastries. he unzipped his bag and...

"well, hi." he extends his hand which held yet another rose.

i chuckled taking it from him. "hi."

giving rose while we were sat in a cafe- i bit on my lower lip to not overthink the whole situation.

"umm.. i know you are tried from the work but-"

"it's fine. we go to the club often after work."

"okay." he said. we sipped the coffee and i looked at him to see him sighing.

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