chapter : 12

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if it wasn't for my mother waving her hands in my face, my thoughts would have killed me instantly. i don't know what i was thinking when i called out christopher as chan the other day.

i put my head on the table as christopher's flustered face crossed my mind. everything was going fine and i just had to embarrass myself.

"eat up, y/n. the food is getting cold."

"y-yes." i sat up and started eating my breakfast which consisted of french toast and orange juice.

"are you ready yet?"

i nodded once i was done and left the house with my father for office. after protesting for good amount of time i gave up and let my father drop me to my office. if it wasn't for my boss and dad being friends i would have allowed him to do so without complaining but i was already going through a critical phase of embassment from two night's ago encounter with christopher and that was enough to carry for a week more.


"oh my!! danny!!"

johnny? danny? this is worst!

after ignoring the looks my colleagues giving me and the two old friend's reunion, i told dad i was going first and dropped my head to walk to my desk.

i saw them walk inside uncle john's cabin. grace raised a brow and i shrugged. i did my work which tom gave me. after an hour i saw my father walking out of the cabin and towards me.

"we're gonna have a blast tonight." dad's shoulders bounced in joy.

"good for you."

"and... he said you are doing a great job."

"did you doubt me?"

he rolled his eyes at my drama and i chuckled.

"anyways..." i saw grace walking towards me followed by noah.

"hello, mr. morrow."

"this is grace and that's noah." i introduced them.

"hello guys! wait- noah?" dad turned to me and continued. "the one whom you called the other day thinking we broke in your house?"

"honestly when noah told me about that i first panicked and then was wheezing on my floor." grace giggled.

"yes, that's the one." i answered dad's question.


i was struck with a sweet aroma as soon as i step foot in the house. limping towards the kitchen i saw mom behind the kitchen counter.


"cake." mom smiles. "welcome home, hon."

i wasn't able to reply her anything watching my mother's special chocolate cake roll being baked. it's been ages i last had something so sweet and special.

"yes, yes we all know you like the cake roll but please promise you won't eat the whole thing tonight itself. your father will give me an earful."

"he won't! i promise."

"then so-"

"yeah. i know i won't eat too much."

there was an ache in my chest but i had to slide it away. i went to my room, took shower and changed into tshirt and pajama pants.

"where's dad?"

"with your boss."

"oh..." i nodded. "i forgot. he's gonna have a blast tonight. anyways is there something i can help you with?"

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