chapter : 10

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i stopped at my tracks and an idea of pulling up my headphones over my ears so that i could lie saying i didn't hear him crossed my mind but it was too late now. so, i turned around saying, "h-hi."

"oh heyy! y/n! remember me?? i am felix!" his cousin exclaimed appearing over christopher's shoulder.

"yes.." i pursed my lips in a small smile trying and failing to match his wide grin. "hey."

"goodness i thought you forgot me."


"lix, how about a drink? on me."

i almost hung my jaw low at how easily felix was convinced by his evil cousin. the younger turned back to the bartender and christopher stood in front of me.

"hi." he says again.


"how are you?"

"good." i shrugged.

there was a pause. i examined christopher's eyes, they were sparkling as usual but right now they were shaking with a little nervousness. the tips of his ears tinted in red i believed because of heat in the room. his lips were slightly parted as he struggled to find words to speak for the fist time since we met.

"do we sit?" i asked awkwardly.

"y-yeah. yes. of course. please." he turned waving his hands at the two empty seats.

i sat first carefully putting the crutch away for a while realizing how hard i was gripping it.

"uh, well-" i looked up watching christopher taking out something from the inside pocket of his jacket. "here."

"huh?" i couldn't bring myself to speak upon seeing a rose in his hand.
a rose.
i started at the flower, then at him.

"i-it's from my nanny's floral shop. f-felix and i just visited her and she handed me this flower.." he retracted his hand a little, "i don't know why she did that. i-i am sorry. i will just-"

"relax." i say making him go silent. i brought my hand up and, carefully not wanting to brush his hand, took it from it. "thanks."

"y-yeah." he gulped and finally took a seat beside me.

i saw grace from over christopher's shoulder on the dance floor, a complete mess.

"we aren't underdressed today, are we?"

"right." i chuckled. christopher was wearing a tshirt under a jacket and jeans - all black.

i gave my order to the bartender watching felix gulp the alcohol and off to the dance floor joining noah and others.

"your order, sir?"

"oh. no drinking today." christopher says, "i am driving felix home."

i felt nauseated hearing christopher's words. my head almost spun as the door of flashbacks started opening in my mind.

no drinking.

"well how did it go?" he asks to me making the urge to puke go away a little. after watching confusion across my face he decided to elaborate. "grace and your coversat-"

"ah yes, yes it went great." i breathed in making the thoughts go away. "i told her everything and she- she said she still loves me the same."

"good for you." he smile.

i smiled too. "thanks."

"i didn't do anything though."

"you help-"

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