chapter : 3

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i stood in front of a door and my father who guided me here stood beside me.


"not really. this isn't my own house, just rented."

"but you said you are going to pay the rent."

"even so." i pursed my lips, "are we standing here forever?"

"oh my bad." he put the key in the key hole before twisting the doorknob and holding the door open for me.

i walked in and something happened when i breathed in the air. right, this isn't my own house but i will be staying her alone and pay for it alone as promised to my self. the thought of it tightens my heart maybe in a good, maybe in a sad way.

good thing was that i was staying on just the first floor meaning less harm to my ankle by chance the power's cut.

i walked inside further. the ceiling and floor was the same as showing on the internet site but the walls were changed a little. when asked my father said he wanted to change them into sage green and white which were my favorite colour.

"it's nice." i approved checking how spacious and more over how ventilated the place is.

"did you eat anything?"

"not really."

"should i make something for you?"

"it's fine." i walked to the kitchen island where all the boxes were kept still sealed. there was a scissor so i decided to open a box, "dad can i like have alcohol now?"

i swear i didn't see what he was doing but my father coked on water. i rushed towards him with my crutch and rubbed his back.

"you okay?"

"i am good. don't rush like this." he sighed, "alcohol.."

"sorry i didn't see you drinking water but the question wasn't something to coke on. i used to drink before. above that the doctor didn't say anything about it."

"then i will ask him."

i scrunched my nose going back to the box which i left open and searched for caffeine. i started brewing us some coffee. my body felt heavy so i asked my father to serve it.

just when i was about to take a seat the doorbell rang. i gestured my dad to continue what he was doing while i walked to the door. when i opened it i saw a lady who happened to be the maid i hired for mopping the floor four days a week.

she was in a hurry so i had to stand there for about ten minutes until we settle the timings and days and also the pay.

by the time she left dad was already sat at the couch so i joined him. i relaxed once taking the seat and putting the crutch beside me.

"i will be leaving tomorrow."

"okay." i nodded, "i talked to uncle john again yesterday and he said i can rest for a day and start my job from wednesday."

"great." he lifted his hand and i immediately knew what his next move was. he placed it above my head and pat it, "so proud of you."

"thanks dad."


it was around ten in the morning when dad decided to leave back to our house. he shed some tears saying he will be missing me and how he is proud and how i must keep him updated about my work life and health.

i close the door once dad left. i was still in my pajamas and have just a day to clean up the house and arrange the things properly. dad already did the furniture part with the workers so rest of the works goes to me.

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