chapter : 18

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"will you make it up for it then?" christopher asks with anticipation in his eyes.

"yes." i say.

"next weekend it's 50th anniversary of my nanny's floral shop and she wants to celebrate it like we do every year." he licked his lower lip before continuing. "so, will you join us for the evening?"

"ohh..." i gulped.

he then hesitated but asked anyways, "will you go with me as my date?"

warmth spread over my cheeks. if that's what it take for him to forgive me then.. "okay." i nodded.

"okay." i can see a pink on his cheeks. "great."

"so are we cool now?"

he fished in his pocket and i instantly knew what it was. "yes, we are."

i took the rose from him. "thank you."

"i actually wanted to give three of those to compensate for last two days but they were out of roses." he rubbed his nape. "i have the almost dried ones from past two days in my car though-"

"what?" i was genuinely shocked. his eyes went wide when he realized what he said.

"i-i thought you would come." guilt ate me up instantly which he noticed. christopher shook his head. "i mean you are here now and we are cool so nothing matters more-"

"will you give me those two roses?"


"i want them."

that evening i left the club feeling warm and giddy. christopher gave me the two roses and i couldn't help but smile at his innocence.

i thought you would come.
i was harsh on him but he held hopes.

is this what it means to hang on to hopes even if life is harsh on you?
do i act like christopher, to smile again once life forgives me?

i couldn't help but shake my leg continuously underneath the table. noah and grace's attention was now on the anxious me and i couldn't help but sigh with a warmth of embarrassment on my cheeks.

"what is it?" grace asked for the nth time now.

"i can leave if you want."

"nah you don't have to. it's nothing personal." i tell noah and he sat back down with his cup of black tea.

"then what is it making you restless since last night?"

"well..." i gave up. "christopher-"

"i knew it was him." noah leaned forward. "do i have to break his nose?"

grace hit him on his arm while i laughed softly. this guy never fails to make me laugh even when i am anxious.

"you continue please." grace gestured me.

"i apologized to him and he asked to make up for it. and there is this family function of his next weekened and..." i sighed. "he asked me to join him as his date."

"woah!" grace shrieked. "that's so cute."

"christopher's date huh?" noah raised an eyebrow. "what did you say?"

"i said yes."

"oh my god! does felix knows about this?"

"ah well... christopher says all the cousins keeps their date a secret."

"woman, if you ever change your mind, let me know. i will go with christopher. his family seems fun!"

"she is not going to change her mind, sweetheart." noah smiles grabbing her by her shoulder. "and trust me my family is totally your type."

i chuckled at his possessiveness. "i think yall need to get a room so, i am excusing myself."


the told weekend was still a week and half away but it was making my head spin. christopher's family : his parents, his siblings, his grandparents and everyone.

"let's get started." dr. spring pulls me out of my thoughts.

"okay." i tell her.

she asked me to keep my crutch aside which scared me a little. i used to take wall's support usually but here there were no walls. i stood up carefully and dr. spring held my arms keeping me from falling.

"here, walk very slowly okay?" she explains and put both of my hands on the parallel walking bar i didn't feel anything different though. the crutch was only replaced by the bars.

nevertheless it was the beginning and i'd decided to do my absolute best. when i told my parents that i am to go for physiotherapy, their happiness reached the sky. grace and noah were happy too.

about christopher, he was first shocked and then happy about the decision.

an hour passed and my first official physiotherapy session ended. dr. spring told me few things to consider in my diet and reminded me not to try any of the exercises alone.

i thanked her and took my leave. i rode the train and finally reached the apartment just to have a surprise. christopher stood at his usual place under the streetlight. the only difference was this time his car behind him. i didn't go to club the evening because of my session and believed i won't see the cousins tonight but look christopher was here.

he was engrossed in his phone to notice my presence but when i walked a step forward, he looked up and our eyes met.



"well i am here to tell the dress code for the event."


"i know its a drag and i am so sorry-" he rubbed the back of her head.

"it's not a drag." i tell him, "it's fun actually."

"so you are fine with the dress code then?" his eyes were wide.

"totally." i smiled reassuring him.

he relaxed his tensed shoulders. "it's a floral theme actually. she'd already decided this theme since years for the 50th anniversary."


"yes." he sighed before continuing. "we did a halloween theme last year and 90s the year before."

i chuckled as he giggled at the memory. "great. i have a floral dress."

"great! i was actually thinking of buying you a dress but grace said i should ask you first if you have it."

"so you came all the way here?" i was surprised. "wait. you were going to buy me a dress?"

"yeah." he said it like it was nothing.

"thank god you didn't. even if it's your family function, i am going there willingly okay? and you should have told me tomorrow at the club or just have texted me-"

that's when i realized - we still don't have each other's contact information. moreover he asked grace first which burnt a little, almost negligible, jealousy in me.

"give me your phone." i asked and he handed it to me, unlocked. i dialed my number and saved my name. i gave a ring and his number was with me now. "now you don't have to take a different route."

"right." he pocketed his phone. "text me if you need anything."

"okay." it was time we part but i spoke anyways. "i just had my first physiotherapy session."

"oh shoot! i forgot." his eyes were smiling again. "how did it go?"

"i didn't feel any changes, obviously but..." i smiled looking at the ground. "it's the beginning."

"it's the beginning." christopher repeated. "and here."

another rose. i took it. thanked him.

we stood in a little moment of silence then i speak up. "well, then. see you tomorrow."

"see you tomorrow, y/n."


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