chapter : 6

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it was my second glass of wine and christopher is still beside me. we didn't talk much after introducing each other our names. strangely i wasn't uncomfortable around this guy maybe because how he stood up for me.

the environment was still chill. my headphones were off so it wasn't too loud nor too silent. my eyes were finally adjusted to the glitching lights and i was still waiting for grace to confess.

"are those your friends?" christopher asks after noticing how grace and i were speaking with our eyes.

"those are my colleagues. the one in maroon shirt is the one throwing us his birthday party."

"same here. the one in blue shirt over there.." he points at a group of around six to seven people at the far right. "he's the birthday man."

i almost chuckled at the 'birthday man.' "why aren't you joining them?"

he frowns a little and stood up as quick as possible. "i am sorry, i didn't want to make you uncomfortable. if you want i can lea-"

i panicked, "no, i didn't mean that." my eyes went round, "if you want you can stay. i just don't want you to stay back and worry for a complete stranger."

"oh-" he was back to normal after a few seconds, "no, you don't have to think i am holding back or something." he goes back to his seat beside me, "i wanted to drink and first of all i was forced to be here."

"oh i was forced as well."

a series of chuckle fills the air around us. "i wanted to stay back home and sleep but finn, the birthday guy, didn't let me do that."

"i wanted to sleep too but my friend who's in love with the birthday guy wants to confess tonight and well she draged me here for support."

"that's fun!" he exclaimed and looked at grace and noah, "i have never watched a live confession before."

christopher sounded like a child when he said that. even after having a good physique and a strong presence he was smiling like a kid excited to go to an amusement park.

"it must be nerve wrecking tho." he says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"it is." i smile softly at the memory of ethan confessing me, we both were equally nervous. "she was terribly nervous when we left the office."

it was not much time later when grace looked at me and this time she signal me she's going for it. i gave her thumbs up and as if i were watching a football match i was excited on my seat.

"she's going to say it."

christopher looked at where my eyes were. we both ready for grace to say it. i bit on my lower lip when i watch grace taking off her headphones and walked few steps closer to noah.

"oh she's a brave one." i heard christopher saying this.

grace when finally reached to noah she taps his shoulder making him stop his dance and turn towards her.

"he turned, he turned to her!" i exclaimed.

grace then gestures him to move closer and noah took off one of his headphone. the girl gulped and i crossed my fingers. grace tip toed and reached to his ear level.

"say it..." the guy beside me whisper yelled.

and then she mouthed - i love you, noah. noah snapped his neck towards grace looking shocked. for a few good seconds they stayed like that.

"what are they doing? is it a yes? or no?"

just when i say it, noah held grace by her upperarm and the next thing we all least expected happened. noah kisses grace and the girl, who became my friend just a few days ago, i saw her soul leaving her body.

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