chapter : 22

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"i must leave." y/n intended to tell that just to me but ava heard her loud and clear.

"no! no! you can't leave just yet, y/n."

"ava, i-"

"it's already late, honey," says mom, "christopher can still take you back but we all want you to stay."

"i can lend you my clothes!" cassie says.

"y/n is not going anywhere." nanny announced before y/n can even speak. "it's my party, i make rules."

that made y/n chuckle. she agreed to stay but i asked her anyways. "are you sure you want to stay? what about your medicines? i can tell them-"

"i carry my meds with me all the time just in case so... i can stay." that made me grin.

the night darkened by the time we finished our dinner, almost midnight. we changed into comfortable clothes and decided to divided the rooms. sure the house was massive and had a lots of rooms but we all prefered sleeping altogether. unmarried ladies on the ground floor beside them were the older ladies along with nanny. us men took the upper floor rooms and married men in other rooms.

few of my cousins and their dates were playing upstairs whole most of them already slept. the older men and ladies too slept or talked while being in the bed. i searched for a particular brown head.

"where's y/n?" i ask felix who just won the heated round of uno.

"don't know. maybe downstairs with nanny."

i nodded and knew exactly where to go. i walked out of the house and went to the yard. i guessed right, those two were walking around while nanny pointing at the varieties of plants she's planted. y/n was in cassie's pajamas.

"its really late for this, nanny," i say and they turned to me. "you must be tired. get some rest."

"you want me to leave the two of you alone, don't you?" nanny narrowed her eyebrows.

"no, i did not mean that. i just want-"

"okay, okay. i am leaving." she sighs. "good night, honey." she creases y/n's cheek and left without saying anything to me.

"such a drama queen." i said loudly to which nanny shrugged and kept walking.

there was a little silence once nanny left. then y/n spoke, "are you not going to ask me to sleep too?"

"oh that i was going to do." i gestured at the house behind me. "you should rest too."

"i am not tired." y/n tapped her crutch out of the yard and walked towards the lake. she sat on the bench kept on the dock.

i followed her and we sat there in silence watching the moon shining over the calm water of the lake. after a while like that i turned towards her and asked, "how was it today? did you enjoy?"

"i did." relief spread over my entire body. "your family is fun and lovely and amazing and... and it made me miss my family a little. wish we could meet up like this and spend time together."

"i know you will."

"thanks for inviting me." she finally turned towards me.

"thanks for coming."

we both smiled and paused for a minute there. she wasn't moving her gaze so why should i? i could see shades of brown in her eyes as water moved slowly in front of us. suddenly my eyes drifted down to her nose - redded as well, maybe because of the chill in the air. then her lips, i could feel the softness of them even without a touch.

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