chapter : 5

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i tapped my fingers on the keyboard sharing my work to tom by mail. it was evening and the sun was ready to set soon. i leaned back on my chair when i was done with the day.

i watched most of the older workers leaving first and congratulating noah once again. he'd already cut the cake during lunch. i wanted to leave as well but across my desk grace was glaring me.

i slumped in my chair once again and took out my phone to text my doctor whether i can drink tonight. i waited for a few minutes till his message pops up saying i can but not until i pass out.

"guys are yall done yet?" noah asks and most of them started packing up.

grace walked towards me when she was done. she stood beside me and started packing my stuff.

"you don't have to."

"i am nervous." she says still clearing my desk, i helped her.

"you will be fine. but do i-"

"yes, you are going with me."

she left me no option. after everyone left grace and i were the last one to leave. i appreciated how she was walking in the same pace as mine. she kept staring at the ground while she held my right elbow to support me every now and then.

"how are you going to say it?" i ask to cheer her up.

"i don't know."

"wow you didn't prepare. you've got guts."

"you think so?" she pointed at her anxious face which made me chuckle.

"it's fine."

the club which noah was taking us to was close to the office, just about five minutes walk down the street.

grace and noah asked if i need a cab or something but i refused saying i can walk. well i walk to the subway and bus stop everyday so it's fine.

finally we reached the destination and i gulp at the sight. i was underdressed, great. not that i care because most of us were underdressed apart from the two, three people close to noah to whom he must have informed beforehand about the place and of course grace.

we walked inside once our tickets were punched and IDs were checked. i closed my eyes as the disco lights blinded me. but then i widened my them when i realize it was a silent disco. grace and i were at the back amongst our fellow colleagues. she looked at me with the same shocked face and we were giving the headphones.

"i never knew there was a silent disco near our office." she says.

"yeah it was silent from you." i joked to which we both rolled our eyes.

"this is better tho."

i nodded with agreement because since the thing happened few months back i was still a bit uncomfortable with loud noises. maybe that was one of the reason i was refusing to join but i am relived a little now.

just when i thought i was relieved i saw something that didn't make me relieve at all. the people were looking at me.

i was prepared for this i guess but no their stares were pricking my skin. that's when grace showed up. she stood in front of me and held my uninjured hand. i belive she gave the 'mind your own business' look to the ones who were staring me.

i smiled at her action. for my safety both of us stayed at the corner of the room. she turned to me and i was ready to laugh. grace started dancing which was actually very funny for me. she was still holding my hand gently and making me dance slowly.

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