chapter : 19

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a sudden realization hits me in the afternoon after lunch. i finished my work and we called it a day. since it was saturday, meaning weekend, we all avoid going to the club because of the crowd. i took the subway to my place since there was no therapy session that evening.

i searched through my closet to fine no floral dress in there. jeans, shirts, tshirts, jackets, sweaters and everything but a floral dress.

"great." i tell myself concluding that i left it back at my parents house. "afterall few months back i never thought that a certain blond will ask me to join him for his family event."

for dinner - veggie bowl.
i searched through online shopping apps for the dress while eating my dinner. a week until the event and if i place the order now it will take about three to four days to arrive.

"what if the size doesn't fit me? it will take another three to four days."

i closed the lid of my laptop after a thought crossed my mind. i dialed a number and it took only two rings for her to pick it up.

"hey, babe." her voice was lively as usual but it seemed as if she was giggling before picking up my call.

"i am not interrupting anything, right?"

"well right guess noah is with me but don't worry you didn't interrupt anything. he is just trying to be funny."

"okay." i laughed hearing a whine from noah in the background.

"so? what is it?"

"grace, are you free tomorrow?"

"yeah, i am."

"great." i sat up. "will you join me for shopping tomorrow?"

"woah!" she exclaimed. "i am in but you never asked for me to join before so shopping for anything special?"

"christopher's event. i have to buy-" i paused before telling her about the dress. noah was with her and who knows if she has kept the call on speaker.

what if noah tells this to christopher?

"i have to buy a gift for his nanny."

"oh okay! sure let's meet."


"so any idea what you're getting?"

"grace." i grabbed her elbow as she tried walking inside the gift store. "gift is one thing but i want something else."


"yesterday noah was with you so i didn't tell you but i have to get myself a floral dress. the theme is floral and i already told christopher that i have a floral dress just to realize that it's at my parent's house."

"oh wow." she chuckled. "but not telling this to noah?" she frowned.

"ah well.." i bit my lower lip. "christopher said that he was going to buy me the dress if i didn't have one and i thought if noah knows this he might tell christopher and you know-"

she laughed and then dragged me to the clothes shop. we searched and searched for the dress of my choice. grace often suggested me to get a knee length dress but i refused because of the scars. a few minutes passed and then more.


she looked up from her phone while i tried on the dress. her eyes widened and she smiled.
"now that's good."

"finally." i released a sigh of relief.

i changed into my clothes and then bought the dress. after payment grace suggested to get something to eat. we went to the nearby food stalls and took seats.

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