chapter : 8

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cold beads of sweat rolled down my back when i reached the gates of a building. i usually never rush anywhere but luck wasn't in my favour this morning. first, i burnt my breakfast. second, it took me an eternity to find a perfect outfit. then i ran out of my medicines which i were to be taken before and after lunch so i had to go to the nearby pharmacy. then book a cab and finally loss of money.

i knew the work place uncle john suggest was too far from my house but i thought to give it a try. just an interview won't hurt.

a rush of cold air flushed my cheeks as i step foot inside the building. everything blinded me, a highly expensive looking flooring as well as the ceiling. i walked to the receptionist who had this high tight ponytail i wonder if her scalp hurts from all the pulling of the rubber band.

"y/n morrow." i say and she checked my application form displaying on her screen.

"please wait in the lobby at the third floor. we will call you out once it's your turn." she handed me a form and asked to fill in meantime.

i walked to the lift and i reached the third floor. my heart raced as fast as possible when i saw the amount of people waiting in the lobby to get interviewed shortly. there were tons and i was one of those tons. like uncle john said opportunity was big, seats were limited.

i took a seat at a corner of a couch kept at the corner of the lobby. i decided not to look up at the people who were already eying the crutch beside me. i started filling the form.

most of the form consisted of question based on health and conditions and i hate how for the first time in my life time i felt a little offended to tick the negative trait of health printed on the paper.

diabetes - no
blood pressure - no
bad eyesight - yes (since the accident my eye sight wasn't normal and i was suggest to wear glasses if it gets uncomfortable)
chronic disorder - no
genetic disorder - no
physical disability - yes (of course)
medical consultations at the moment - yes

like that the list continued making the place feel less office, more hospital.

after and hour or so it was my turn finally and i felt a little snap of my vertebral column when i stood up. i walked inside the room with a file in my one hand, my crutch in other and a thumping heart in my chest.

i knocked the door twice and entered inside the room when given permission to do so. i believe they saw a ghost when i entered judging from their low hanging jaws. a ghost with a crutch limping towards the table.

"miss. y/n morrow?"


"sit, please."

i took a seat and waited for them to get comfortable with me. it's the other way round. once the reality struck them one of the female interviewer spoke.

"we read your resume but we want you to talk about your career and tell us your strengths in the field."

i started talking. i didn't stop or stutter at any questions the people in front of me bombarded. i may became confused and sometimes startled at a particular question but i didn't let it appear on my face. reason : i didn't doze off in my interview lectures during college.

after a few good mintues i was asked to leave and the receptionist at the ground floor said that they will send the result on mail.

i walked out of the building and took a deep breathe. it didn't matter to me much but i passed one step of earning - giving an interview. now the next step was to be decided by the company - hire me.

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