Troll slayer

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"Oh my," Natty lets out at the sight of you, "I must have been reading for too long if you have gathered this much dust" The hands brushing over the shoulders of your robes, she brushes away any dust she can manage. "Now, have you gathered all you need?"

"I have, thank you, maybe we can-"

In that moment a loud growl catches your attention and moments later you find yourself fighting off a troll. In the heat of the moment you use your new wand and the instinct kicks in, telling you to use a power you have not used before, the ancient magic.

While the villagers fight of the second troll, you and Natty stand still, the giant troll in armour before you, growling. In the corner of your eye, you spot the black mess of hair, and the broad grin on Alec's face as they hurry over the narrow path that has been blocked, climb over some barrels and join in the fight.

Though, after no more than four strikes on their part, you knock the troll down and cheer with Natty, who watches in awe as the ancient magic comes from your wand.

Still dusting off the dirt as you have dodged the troll a few times, you look over to see Atticus remove something from the troll's head.

At the sight of him, Natty shakes her head and tucks on your sleeve. "Those two are trouble, let us go before they come here" she sighs when Alec blocks off your way and grins at you.

"Wanna see something cool?" he asks, gesturing at Atticus who presents you with Troll bogeys. "The trophy of your first victory" he states as Atticus hands you the bogeys and you wipe your hands on his cloak in return, the goo sticking to your glove.

"I appreciate that" you utter, when another woman comes your way and addresses you and Natty while Atticus and Alec walk away faster than they have arrived.

After that troublesome encounter, you and Natty walk on towards the three broomsticks, but at the sight of a dark wizard and Ranrok, the goblin you have seen before that keeps looking for you, you prefer to spends your time inside the three broomsticks where you get introduced to Sirona the owner of the tavern.

She tells you a few things bout Hogsmead, and soon Natty takes over and keeps on telling one story after the other until the door flies open, and Alec, Atticus and two more boys come stumbling in, pushing each other around. The tallest of them, narrow eyes and a slim face with strong cheek bones, gives you a grim smile while the others look at you and wave, at least the shortest of them does, his wild hair similar to Sebastian's as Alec ruffles through it and leans against the counter to order some butterbeer for them.

They sit in a corner when the door opens again and Victor Rookwood as well as Harlow come in, causing a disturbance, but Natty shields you, the wand in hand, ready to start a fight.

"Nice friend you have there" one of the boys yells at you, but instead of answering, you get grabbed by Natty who drags you outside with her and talks about the terrible things she has heard about Rookwood.

You however do not listen as your eyes wander around, looking for Ranrok, the goblin.

After such an eventful day, you return to the common room, ready for a shower and a full night sleep, but when you walk down the stairs, students stand around and clap at your sight. The whole common room filled with people you have not yet interacted with, nor do you know their names, but they cheers for you as you walk past them, ignoring the names they give you and their pats on your shoulder.

"A real hero" a deep voice calls from behind you, and the tall boy with short light hair yet eternal dark eyes appears before you, the others not too far behind. "Anything else you want to slay?"

"Judging by the look on their face," Alec laughs as he pats his friend on the back, "you"

"Not worth it" You utter as you walk on along the hallway to your room and grab some fresh clothes, then head to the showers and let the hot water patter onto your skin.

Dressed in clean clothes, the hair dripping, you return to the common room where student still stand around, eyeing you as you walk past, but on the way to your dorm, Imelda blocks your path and grins.

"Well done, Salem, never thought you had it in you" she leans closer, a devilish smile on her face, "but don't think that fame will last, I have earned my place by being the best, you will just fall back down to being the new one"

The eyes rolling, you shake your head, grinning as she shrieks when the water splatters across her face. Opening your mouth to speak, you feel an arm over your shoulder and a freckled face appears next to you.

"Sure, Imelda, no one can beat you, except maybe, half the school. Now bugger off" Sebastian grabs your arm and pulls you to one of the sofas with him where Ominis, the blind boy, sits and stares into the nothingness around. "Ignore her, she's just, well, not used to competition"

"That is because no one actually likes her" a young Slytherin student comes towards you, her arms rested on the back of the sofa. "She is just mean"

"Really," you let out, taking one of the cupcakes on the table, "haven't noticed"

Even though some students are not that fond of you as the hero of Hogwarts after the dragon attack, or the saviour of Hogsmead after the troll attack, you grow fond of the castle and most students. And with all the new spells you get to learn, the potions and more information than you can keep in your head for one day, you are glad to have some people around to help.

The locket Professor Fig has taken with him, you have almost forgotten about the glow on it, the purpose of it after the long travels.

That is until an owl reaches you.

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