The first Quidditch match

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At the beginning of the new school year, hundreds of students stream into the halls of Hogwarts. Watching them alongside Ominis, your heart beats faster at the idea of seeing a familiar mess of hair and an ocean of freckles, but all that comes to sight is a set of green eyes, although accompanied by more freckles than you can count, it is topped of with bright orange hair.

"Look at that," Garreth grins as he walks up the stairs, doing a little twirl as his finger fly up to grab your hand "You just could not wait for me to return from our summer holiday now, could you, Morningstar?" Snickering, he puckers his lips, leaning forward, but before he can touch you, Atticus grabs him by the collar and pulls him back so hard, Garreth stumbles and lands on the ground.

"Atticus" you scold him, a proud smirk in response, you shake your head and hold out your hand for Garreth to take. "Well, the castle is still standing, a terrible sight to have without a Weasley to challenge it" you wink at him while Garreth wipes the dust off his cloak and pulls his collar back into place. "Welcome back"

"Garreth" Leander Prewett runs up the stairs, hugging his best friend and without another word to you, the two rush off, back to their usual dorm to unpack and prepare for the sixth year.

The arms crossed, Atticus steps beside you, his eyes following your glance, "Not the freckle you were hoping for?" The eyebrow lifts at your slight smile, disappointed and hurt. Nudging you, his arm reaches over your shoulders. "Trust me, he'll return"

Giggling, you look at him, the face scrunched. "And that coming from the man who belittles Sebastian for everything he does?"

"Well, you like him. Even if that means trouble"

Taking a deep breath, you brush his hand off your shoulder and turn around, grabbing Ominis by the hand, pulling him along the hallway with you, but when you have reached the stairs, Atticus grabs your arm.

"I know what you are going through, the wolves, waking up in the woods. I can help, if you want. I know I acted out before, but-"

"It's just because you love me" You wink, laughing at his clenched jaw, "I accept your apology. Meet me at the RoR, midnight, I have got a number of questions"

"Will do"

His ears on the conversation, Ominis strolls beside you, the head leant closer when you have reached the common room. "The what?"

"Nothing, Ominis. Do not worry, if I were to get myself in trouble, you'd be the first to know" You release him from your grasp and rush to your dorm, gathering the Quidditch equipment you have bought in Hogsmead. You want to use it instead of the old gear that smells, and has ripped in most places, all new, but the Jersey with the number 3 stays.

The first week of school passes as they had done last year, fast and almost uneventful, but then the weekend arrives and Imelda Reyes has spent almost all morning telling every first year about the open position as seeker, knowing well that they are not allowed to play, but the second year's are cheering at the news, writing their names on the list to try out.

Seated on the bleachers, Poppy and Natty join Ominis to watch, and since they have written you onto the list as well, Alec and Akira refusing to let you erase your name, you stand at the trials Imelda has prepared to find the proper seeker for her team.

After one short try-out for the position, the guys cheer you on and carry you off the field. Although Imelda scoffs and protests, the others agree in unison that you will be the new Slytherin seeker.

A few more practise rounds and the entire school has got the news of your success on the Slytherin team.

On the first day back, Poppy has told you all about her Grandmother and how she met a few friends of hers, a few unicorns and, according to her grandma also some fairies. She snickered at every word, telling you the many things she has done during her time at home.

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