Raven in a troll lair

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With a croak, the shadow drops to the ground and turns back to human, kneeling before your body, the arm extended with his wand in hand. The long black cloak flying above the ground, dust twirling up as he spins and starts striking the troll, over and over until it finally drops to the ground, the massive body causing the ground to vibrate.

"Salem!" he yells out, rushing over to you, your body resting against the wall.

The hands trembling, you brush the blood from your nose and look up at him, your eyes bloodshot from the strikes you have taken, the head aching, your vision blurry. But you recognise the dark eyes and the strands of almost white hair that hangs to your face. "Hey, Foxtrot" you let out, the hand reaching up to him as he lifts you off the ground, but halts and has a look around, searching for away out. "Look out" You drop off his arms, your body gathering all the energy left to jump up, spin around and yell out a curse, the first that comes to mind when the troll charges at Akira, who covers his face, then points the wand as well.

Green light flashes the cave and jumps around, another troll that enters, struck down at once, then the light bounces off to one of the trolls on the ground that is about to rise again, but drops for the last time.

Watching as the entire cave turns green, you jump in front of Akira when the light dashes his way and use the goblin magic to form a protective shield around you both, one that the next troll coming into the cave, storming at you, cannot destroy as he hammers against it with his fists and the club, then throws rocks, but it does not break.

Akira yells out some spells to stun the troll, and you for once use your ancient throw to hit him over the head with his club, but then sink to the ground, drained, your body aches so much you cannot even say a word, but feel Akira lift you off the ground and carry you through the opening from where the trolls have entered the cave.

Farther and farther he walks, fighting off anything that comes his way. You placed against the wall with your back, he takes a Wiggenweld potion out of your satchel and hands it to you, then another potion and at last, he finds a glass sphere with some transparent liquid inside. "What is that? Hey, Salem, stay with me here"

"Dagonhorm venom"

Snorting, Akira helps you drink the potions, then spins around at the sound of something reaching the long tunnel. "And you been hiding that from us?" At the sight of another troll, one much greater than the first, the body so overgrown with moss, and distorted it must be ages old, Akira flinches when it growls so loud the ground shakes.

As the troll charges at him, he sighs, his glance to you on the ground, then grips the glass sphere and yanks it at the troll, hoping for the best. The first strike of the club dodged, Akira casts spell after spell at the troll, then takes another sphere and throws it, watching as the troll slows down, one arm hanging off the side while it keeps on fighting, growling, the face drooping.

Another few strikes, Akira casting spells, and the troll drops to the ground, but fights to get back up, the arm fast enough to hit Akira, who stumbles back against stones, his head hurting from the impact. Rubbing the back of his head, he spots the blood on his hand, uses a quick spell and rises, his hands under your body as he lifts you off the ground and rushes along the path, ducking away as more trolls enter.

They sniff the air, the smell of blood causing them to chase after you. Your body hanging in his arms, Akira steps towards the trolls, places you on the ground and drinks some Wiggenweld to help him as the gigantic creatures charge at him. Their spit flying as they growl, Akira gulps and raises his wand, but before one of the clubs can touch him, the tip only inches from his face, they both freeze.

Risen from the ground, your eyes crimson red, the hair flying beside you as if floating in water, you step forward, your hand held out. At the twist of your wrist, the bones start to crack and deform, the first troll collapsing in on itself, its head imploding, the small particles colouring the walls around and then the second troll does the same, their bones shattering and flying through the air, stuck in some crevices around the entrance of the cave.

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