Dark morning

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Reaching the end of the Slytherin table, you drop onto the bench next to Ominis, your head pressed against his shoulder. "I'd very much prefer to fight an armoured troll to having to go through 48 hours of Quidditch training with Imelda"

"Well, if you are lucky-"

"Am I ever?" With a sigh, you stroll back to your spot beside Atticus, motioning for Imelda to give you some space. "Don't want to interrupt you guys, just need more currents," you mumble as you lean over the table to grab your plate and cup as well as more currents, then return to Ominis where Kat has scooted over to give you a place to seat after Weasley has taken his own.

The first round of Quidditch, as your team still needs to find the right rhythm, comes to a disappointing end. While Reyes and Gray begin to argue about the plan she has made, you and Harrington sit on your brooms, shaking your heads.

"If they continue like that, Ravenclaw will win, and I really don't want to be beat by my own house," Elliot mutters, the broom risen to meet your height.

Taking a deep breath, you grin. "All right, Kat, since you are with us now. What are Woodworth's week spots?"

A questioning look on her face, Kat lowers her broom to fly right before you. "You don't want to play dirty, do you?"

"Of course not, but I know for a fact that Alec got injured on his left shoulder-" Remembering the scars and the previous Quidditch practise, you have seen him use the right arm more to swing the bat even though he writes, and eats with his left hand, favouring it for smaller movements and tasks, "So if you remain to his right he will struggle to get you."

Nodding along, Elliot stares off towards the blue flags that flatter in the wind, high above the mountain. "Willcox is fast, but he cannot move downward properly, his eyes will tear up, even with the goggles." His lips pressed together, he shakes his head, "Amari is not good as chaser, she is quick, as beater she has a brutal hit, it will knock you right off the broom, but with the Quaffle," The hand pressed to his shoulder, Elliot sighs, "She will throw me right through the hoop."

"Then we sent Gray after Okoye. Weasley is quick too, and has great sights, I have seen him spot the snitch far before anyone else, so we keep the others occupied for him to get it."

With a swoosh, two brooms appear close by, Imelda, the arms crossed, staring as you three turn to her. "And what is this? Practise is not over yet."

In few words, you explain your ideas, then have Garreth and Alex join to come up with a great strategy.

"Okay, just so I have got it right, Salem on Flemming, keeping Hawthorn at bay, Gray takes out Okoye and Callix, that leaves Alex, Kat and Imelda against Woodworth, who is hard to beat."

"But not impossible," Imelda states, a smug grin on her face. "He cannot protect all three rings at once, so we will pass the Quaffle and Harrington gets close enough to the lowest ring. Whoever is highest will get the Quaffle and throw it. Understood?"

"And I will catch the snitch," Garreth agrees, his green eyes lingering on you as you grip the bat and nod back. "Got my back?"

"Against dragons, black birds, and witches, I do."

The second round works much faster, after Elliot has explained where he struggles and Atticus keeps the others from getting there, you each manage to get a better feeling for you co-players and at the end of the match, you all stand on the field cheering as Garreth lowers his broom, the snitch in hand.

Another round follows, this time you, Alex as chaser, and Imelda as seeker, go against Garreth, Atticus and Kat. It takes close to no effort to keep Atticus from reaching Imelda and by the time you have taken out Kat as well, Garreth has taken the snitch to end the game and leave you 210 to 120, victors of the game.

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