A wonderful morning

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A few potions in a satchel hanging from your shoulder, you lean against the coarse wall outside the Slytherin common room. Since the beginning of the school year you have spent almost every weekend discovering new places which Ominis has never been to or seen.


Many times, he has dwelt on a spot high over Hogsmead where he and Sebastian had spent warm summer days, and some time in autumn. A spot surrounded by trees, the leaves rustling in the warm summer breeze, and the fresh smell of grass enticing his nose. Ominis kept on talking about the touch, the soft blades that tickles his bare feet as he sat in the middle of a broad rock, comfortable almost like a sofa. The chirping of birds as they flew by, Fwoopers that sang their song above his head, and the warm summer sun, caressing his cheeks while he lay still and listened to the world around. A place of serenity he wished to see, as, although Sebastian enjoyed seeing his friend happy, could not describe the place with enough detail for Ominis to imagine the beauty of it. Now, with you as his eyes, Ominis cannot wait to see his beloved spot, high in the mountain, far from all humans, where he can lay and watch the calm world around.

Therefore, with a lovely early autumn presenting bright colours, you wish to let him see all he has felt before, and while you are curious yourself to see this magical place, it is the smile on Ominis's lips that brings you the most joy.

Packed with some snacks and a flask of water, as well as Magnolia juice, you are ready to let him see the tall mountain and enjoy the view of Hogsmead, the chimneys smoking, people walking past, the train that leaves the station every hour, and some animals, however small hushing by.


You could not have imagined Ominis this chatty while you struggle with your breath, climbing up the steep hill to where Ominis believes himself sure to find the trees and amidst them the rock he lay upon so many times.

Out of breath, your sides aching, you wipe the bit of red from your nose, the stinging pain in your chest settling as you stand at the edge of the cliff and watch Hogsmead. "It is beautiful up here, Ominis" His hand on your shoulder, the two of you snicker when you look at him and he grins, leading you back to the rock that offers enough space for both of you, the legs hanging off low enough for the long blades of wet grass to tickle the soles of your bare feet.

Ominis chuckles when squirrels climb from the trees, and as you observe them approach, nibble on his fingers, eager to take the nuts you have brought. Their mouths stuffed, the furry little guys run over his shoulders and have a seat on Ominis's leg to crack and eat the nut.

In awe, you two watch the day pass, the bright autumn sky turn dark, and with the effect of the third potion wearing off, you walk Ominis back to Hogwarts, down the hill. Greeted by Professor Garlick, who spends the early evening outside attending to some plants behind the green house, you wave and join her, talking about the effects of Glubbergoose tendrils, and whether they should be dried or boiled directly.

"It is good to see how you are taking more interest in the plants," Professor Garlick remarks, giggling as the Glubbergoose reaches around her hand, leaving a purple slime on her skin, "I recall you admitting to having no interest in plants when I asked you during your first class, and now look at you. All the questions you have, and the Dittany leaves you had planted last year have grown bigger than any other I have seen" Her hand lands on your shoulder while the other hand struggles to release the glued fingers with all the slime, "You will become a great witch, and with those talents even a great Professor"

"I will think about it" You snicker, but spin around at the sound of cussing behind you.

His body wrapped with Glubbergoose vines, Ominis struggles to stand and when they wrap around him tighter, his body drops to the side, their small thorns scratching his skin. "With your talent, you may want to help instead of laugh, Salem" He tries to grab his wand, but the vines pull him back into the giant stem that forms an opening near the roots.

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