Another cave

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In the darkness around, footsteps and the clacking of wooden wheels comes closer, then the neigh of a horse, or at least it sounds like one. However, when you keep watching, you see the figure in the dark. Alec can barely make out any shape, but you see them, the animal that pulls the carriage. It has most of the shape of a horse, the legs long, but instead of hooves, it has got claws, the talons long and dark, scratching over the ground as it pulls the carriage along. Its long narrow head appears split, moving around while the creature sniffs the cold night air.

A bone wrenching screech slits the quiet as the creature turns its head in your direction, and when it does, you grab Alec's hand, out of instinct, and fear. Never have you seen a creature this distorted. The head split down the middle, the eyes drooping off to the side, but the mouth so giant and long the animal appears as if four heads were placed on the neck.

Along the spine small spikes appear and the creature comes lose from the belt that holds the carriage, another screech and it dashes off in your and Alec's direction.

The heart racing, you pull Alec with you, from the stones through the water of the river and into the valley next to Hogsmead. Scratching and panting in your ear, you hurry, up the other side and through the rocks towards a cave.

"What is it? What was that? Salem!" Alec yells out while you shove him through the ivy that covers the entrance of the cave.

Your hand pressed onto his mouth, you lean close, quiet enough to hear the scratches and clicks of talons on stone, then spot the creature at the height you have climbed upon. "Sh" you let out, still staring at the terrible thing before you.

His body pressed against the cold stone, Alec is lost in the dark, not able to see you or whatever chases after you. He stands still, his heart beating so fast, he fears it might jump out his chest, and then he sees it as the lightning strikes the stone nearby and lights the creature. Muscle after muscle contracts, freezing him in his spot.

"Come on" you whisper, walking deeper into the cave, but Alec does not move a bit, so you take his hand and drag him with you, down a long tunnel into a small space, a dead end. Your heart pounding, you close your eyes for a moment, then pull one of the potions from your satchel and place it in Alec's pocket. "Just in case" Moving him to deeper into the cavern, you stand at the end of the tunnel, the wand in one hand, a glass sphere in the other. "Still want to join me when I get myself in trouble?" A snicker comes over your lips with such ease, it aches your heart for a moment when no sarcastic comment comes back.

Rustling, then scratching and at last the screech you have heard before, it comes your way, galloping down the tunnel.

The fingers white from your grip on the wand, you stand still, your body ready to fight, but nothing appears, not a creature with a split head, not a spider or an inferius, nothing. The darkness around you shifts. From the cold, dark, and wet cavern to a lighter room.

Lumos Alec yells out, his body free of his shock. The eyes wandering around, he holds out his hand and places it on your shoulder. "What is this?"

Drawings cover the walls around, drawings of the creature you have encountered, of men fighting it, wizards, the wands pointed at not one but dozens of those creatures, light shooting from their wands, but the creatures keep attacking. The drawings move, depicting a battle the wizards do not win.

In awe, you watch as the creatures storm off, along the wall in direction of a door. A simple door that stands at the end of the cavern. Exactly where a moment ago the tunnel had been that you hurried through.

As you reach out to open it, a hand grabs your cloak and pulls you back with it. "You don't know what's behind there" Alec lets out, the wand pointed at the door. "And yes, I am coming with you. Wherever, or whatever happens"

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