In the mine

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A smile on your lips, you run after him, encountering the first bunch of loyalists, but to your surprise, Alec takes out a Thunderbrew and strikes them down faster than you can look, then moves on, you behind him as he climbs onto a cart and brings you to a lower level.

Faced with a giant troll, the goblins around attacking at once, you point your wand and grin. "Immobilus" At once the troll stands still, the goblins however attack and you fight them off.

"Pestis incendium" Alec hisses, gulps down a Thunderbrew and strikes down another goblin that escapes the massive flames, torching several goblins around, "Expulso"

"Confringo" snickering, you watch as the goblin hops around, blowing against the burning arm, then drops to the ground when Alec yells out another spell. "What was that?"

"Waddiwasi" Alec gestures the spell for you, and within a few tries, you knock down several goblins until a terrible growl comes from behind you and the troll's club hits against the ground.

The wand pointed, you dodge the strike of a goblin. "Flipendo" and the troll knocks itself into the head with its club, stumbling backwards and dropping onto a crowd of goblins that jump aside. "Brachiobindo" you yell, watching as they fall to the ground, bound by invisible ropes.

"Pestis incendium" Alec strikes them down, the Thunderbrew roaring above your heads, lightning hitting goblins that charge at you, then thunder growling when the troll rises again and charges at you.

With ancient throw, you hit him with one crate after the other, the trolls arms out in defence, throwing a goblin at you that you deflect and with transfiguration, turn into a barrel that explodes on impact with the troll.

A smug grin on your face, you spin around to see Alec reach out his arm, the wand flying through the air as he casts one spell after the other, his dirty blond hair flying over his shoulder as he spins around and torches another goblin. "What, are you done already?" he snickers, the fingers brushing through the sweaty strands of hair as he tucks on his cloak and walks over to you where the platform stands to lift you back onto the higher level.

"No, just enjoyed watching you" you whisper to yourself, Alec's smirk in the corner of your eye as he leans closer. "I did not say that"

His arm over your shoulder as he has a look around the corner, Alec presses you against the wall when the sound of loyalists comes closer. His eyes on you, the hand firmly on your mouth, he leans closer, waiting until the goblins have passed, then casts the disillusionment charm on the two of you and grabs your hand, leading the way to the lower levels.

More fights ensue whenever you turn a corner, so many goblins around, you lose count over how many you have killed, and do not know how many more remain.

Red light shoots around the two of you until the last loyalist drops to the ground. With ancient throw, you take out another troll, hesitant to take the bogeys, but Alec uses a spell to gather them and laughs at your face. "Blood and guts no issue, but this? How have you survived this far?" He holds the jar with bogeys to your face, chuckling, but then you hear a familiar voice and follow it, Alec behind you, the hand on your shoulder, pulling you from sight when you spot Ranrok standing upon a platform, talking to his followers.

One after the other, you take them out, transforming the loyalists into exploding barrels that you bash against the troll.

Alec strikes down a few goblins, but gets struck by an axe and drops to the ground before your eyes. His face hitting the dirt, a cloud of dust twirling up as he exhales, you watch him attempt to rise, but the injury on his chest forces him to stay down.

"No" you yell, dashing forward, the wand pointed at him to cast spell after spell, healing the wound you cannot see, then place a potion in his hand while fighting off the hoard of goblins that comes at you.

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