Don't get involved

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Remembering the eventful flight with Everett Clopton during your first flying class where you discovered how to fly much faster when leaning forward, you snicker at the thought of how nervous you felt at first, but soon grew attached to your broom and even bought some decoration for it. Nothing extravagant, but a small cauldron in which you brew a bit of Wiggenweld while flying around.

With the help of a fire spell, you keep the cauldron bubbling until the potion is finished, then pack it into a small glass bottle that you place inside a pocket of your cloak which you have enchanted to carry much more than a normal pocket would.


It proves useful on your adventures with Sebastian, and when you are out having fun, you put some pumpkin juice and shrivelfig extract into it, a small boost of energy to keep you going when you feel like dropping into bed, especially when Sebastian is on a hunt for the cure his sister so desperately needs.

To your surprise, you even bested Imelda Reyes in the broom races she had organised and wondered how anyone would consider her the best flyer, but you keep your mouth shut. Natty, however, who you have grown tight with, told you that Imelda used to be the Captain of the Quidditch team in fourth year, but Atticus took over after he won a race against her, the only one so far, Natty had said about it.

Shaking your head, you lean onto the table and watch as Natsai Onai reads her book. "So, if he is faster than her, why does she still insist on being the best?"

"Oh, Salem, you ask many questions. Atticus won that race- well, by cheating"

The lips pressed together, you look over to the table where Nerida Roberts and Imelda Reyes sit and talk about something so eventful, their arms fly through the air while they speak. "Cheating, huh?"


Not too long after that conversation, Sebastian tells you to come with him to a secret place like he has offered before and you learn about the Undercroft that once Ominis and Sebastian found, but upon leaving, you have a rather unpleasant conversation with said Slytherin boy.

"I do not appreciate you lying to me. Sebastian has told you about that place, has he not?" Ominis hisses as you step from one foot to the other.

A deep sigh rolls over your lips. "He only meant well. Believe me, he did not want to tell me at first anyway, and made me promise not to tell you, he is a good friend. You have to forgive him"

"Do not tell me how to feel about my oldest friend!" Ominis hisses, turns his back an walks away, not another word in your direction.

With a sigh, you walk along the DADA Tower, down the stairs and through the yard to the main building, when from the small balcony that views a river, comes a tall figure. "Sounds like not everyone is fond of you, just because you survived a dragon"

Your eyes on the tall figure, you clench your jaw. "What do you want?" you let out, frustrated, at yourself for ratting out Sebastian, that others still bother you about the event with the dragon, considering a man died, and at the bank more goblins died, but who cares, right? "It's not my fault"

"Never said it was, just don't understand the praise you get for it"

Another sigh rolls over your lips as you stop in your path and stare at the tall guy, "Honestly, me neither. I just-"

The hand waved before him, the student shakes his head and scoffs, "Not an invitation to talk to me" He brushes his fingers through his hair and turns to head into the building as well, but at the stomp of your foot, he turns his glance. "Just don't think you are better for fighting that dragon, if you even fought" A smirk comes onto his lips as he opened the door.

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