See what I see

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Once again, you find yourself in the undercroft. Ominis has not been here since Sebastian left, so he has not noticed the changes, but you intend to make him aware of it.

The last spell releasing from your wand, soft pink petals sail to the ground at the entrance of the undercroft. With a sigh, you stare at the spell and chuckle as you have misread the word, but do not know how to undo the spell. Instead, your eyes follow the many petals that fly through the air when you conjure a soft breeze.

With a deep breath, the glance wandering over the blanket on the ground, the empty portrait at the wall, you wave your hand for some old crates to fly from the entrance towards the portrait, landing behind a column.

Stones crack under your feet as you turn to leave the undercroft, but bend over as a sudden sting pierces through your chest. Heaving, you drop to the ground and close your eyes, summoning the goblin magic that feeds on the pain, absorbs it to leave you with a comfortable warmth.

Your sleeve stained brown as the blood dries into the fabric, you straighten up, tuck on your clothes and head to bed, awaiting the new day.

The soft snores in your ear, you roll over to the side, his arm across your chest as he leans his head close to yours. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, the few freckles he has, like small island in a sea of white, the porcelain skin that could shatter with a single touch, so fragile.

Taking a deep breath, you listen as he snores and focus your mind. "Ominis, wake up"


"Will you wake up? I have to show you something"

His body exhausted from following you around the castle the last few days as he has feared more shifts in your behaviour and you wandering off again, he rolls onto his stomach and mumbles something before continuing his sleep.

Pushing against him with your hands, you try to get him to wake up, but as you lean closer, he grabs you and rolls on top of you, his face placed between your shoulder and head, the nose brushing against your skin, "Sh, it is too early for this" his raspy voice tickles against your skin.

Shivering at the touch of his hands wandering underneath you as he snuggles tight, you let out a sigh and close your eyes, feeling his heartbeat against yours while your hand rests on his back , feeling his chest rise with every breath. Your mind drifted off, the fingers caress his back, tracing along his spine when you feel something move against you, but in your state of mind you do not think much of it and trace your fingers farther, taking the shape of runes that Atticus and Alec had practised with you to read the scrolls in the mausoleum.

Although the curse has not caused you any struggle yet, you are concerned it might in the future, and even though Sebastian has searched without finding anything, you refuse to give up. After all, you hope neither he nor Ominis will have to find out. Nor do you want the curse to last any longer.

"Salem?" The warm touch of Ominis's lips against your skin tear you from your thoughts back to the dorm.


His head lifts just enough for his nose to brush over your jaw and rests on your nose as he gives you a tired smile, "Please stop, I am not comfortable with this"

Snickering, you look at him, the platinum hair hanging into is face, "You are the one who climbed on top of me" Your fingers brush through his hair and trail along his face to his lips, "So?"

With a sigh, Ominis rolls to his side and releases you, his palms rubbing over his eyes as he yawns and sits up. "What do you want to do?"

"I need to show you something" you repeat and grin, already out of bed and dressed as you turn to see Ominis sit still, the blanket over his legs. "Will you get up, please?"

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