Where do you belong?

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A long week of healing has passed until you get to leave the hospital wing and, accompanied by a young student, eager to learn more about you, you stand upon a small balcony, the fresh air brushing through your hair.

At last you feel free, calm enough to speak. "Will you quit talking, please" your tongue flicks around, the words leaving your mouth so fast, you cannot prevent them from rolling over your lips. The eyes still on the horizon, your head tilts in direction of the girl, who closes her mouth and lowers her head. "All week I have heard people talk, just let me enjoy this in silence"

"I will" she says as she steps back and sits by the door, watching as you lean over the banter of the balcony and look down. Grey walls of a tall tower and beneath a river that leads to a lake, surrounding the castle.

In the distance, the noise of students yelling comes to you, but no matter how hard you try to look around the tower, you cannot spot anyone. Farther off, across the river and a bridge that leads towards a steep hill, you notice a small house and more trees than you can count at the moment, paths between, green grass and a light summery breeze that makes the tree tops sway welcome you to your new home.

"May I ask you something?"a quiet voice coming from behind you returns you from your thought to the tower you still stand upon. The head nodded in direction of the girl, you lean back and let an owl pass by. "Did you really kill a dragon?"

"No," you say, a sadness in your voice as you remember the dragon, the collar on its neck, dark magic controlling the poor creature. "I never would" The face held into the sun, you open your eyes and turn to the girl that still sits quiet on the bench near the door. "Is that what they all think?"

Her finger between her lips, the girl turns her head and stares at the door next to her. "Well some of them. They heard you got burnt and have given you a nickname, but some say you killed a dragon and more"

"And more," you hear yourself repeat her words. Not even a week in your new home and others assume things about you without giving you the chance to make a proper introduction. "Great"

Your clothes in a small bag, you smile as Professor Fig comes by to check on you and tells you that for you alone a small sorting ceremony shall take place. At the flick of his wand, you are dressed in student attire, missing the house crest on your chest and the typical colours.

Rolling your eyes, you walk through the hallway, past students that all whisper as you stride along, following Professor Fig. They follow as well, a bit farther behind but their eyes pierce through your back, that much you notice.

Losing Professor Fig from sight as you study the long corridors around you, you bump into another student, his wand before him, red pulses coming from it. "Oh, sorry. I did not see you" you mutter, your face turning blank at the sight of his eyes.

"I can only say the same" the young student says with a cold look to his face. His face pale as the stone around, the wand gripped tight as he stands straight, his head held up. Without another word, he continues his way, but turns his head as you walk by. "Are you the new student?"

"Yes, I am to go to the great hall, but I seem to have-"

"Got lost. That is no surprise, but you should do well to learn your ways around the castle. And yet there are places in here you are not allowed to go" The boy returns to you and nods in the direction he had come from. "Follow the corridor to the end and then turn right, down a flight of stairs and towards the hour glasses, on the right is the door to the great hall."

"Right" you utter as you try to remember all the directions he has given, mumbling them as your hands motion through the air to help you orientate yourself. "Thank you, ehm-"

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