The Room of Requirement

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In all the time you have spent at Hogwarts, you never once told a soul about the room of Requirements, except Akira and Alec who have not lost a word about it, not even Sebastian with whom you spent most of your days knew, or Atticus when he mentioned to find a room where you could practise spells. "I will tell you when we're back at Hogwarts" you reply as you stuff the tiny creature into your nab sack.

Ironic is it not, it took two guys to bring you to their RoR for you to admit to having your own. After Professor Weasley told you no other student would be allowed in there, you believed her, but considering how Alec and Akira managed to bring you to theirs, maybe you will be able to show Ominis, or one day even Sebastian, should he ever return. At least you want to invite Atticus, just to show him the different vivariums and of course the Phoenix.

Natty and Poppy would be more than amazed by the entirety that is the room as it has grown considerably over time, with a whole library after the most recent event at the mausoleum, the amount of scrolls you have gathered, and books, piles of them on the ground, and all the vivariums, your most recent one after catching the pohewa noa which you released soon after studying it, back into the cave it had come from, hoping to find its way home. A beautiful vivarium made to run freely, to fly, with high mountains, and deep waters, caverns you have not encountered yet but seen as you used your broom to inspect most of it. Yet still the memories attached to that room keep you from visiting it too often. To take care of the beasts inside, upgrade or fix your gear and brew more potions, but you have lost interest. It is as if something is missing and you do not want to stay there as long as that something is gone. If only you could figure out what that something might be.


Niffolas in hand, you approach the highest level of the astronomy tower. Opposite to the wall hanger, you halt, your hand held out for Ominis to stop as well. "Do not tell anyone" you say as the door carves through the stone, opening before your eyes. A quick glance around, Ominis to your side, you grab his hand and pull him into the RoR.

Ever since last year it has grown much in size, providing more and more space for you that now lies untouched . "All right, first of all," you say as you hurry up the stairs to the second to newest vivarium that has a small balcony up front where you have placed a phoenix statue. Just before you enter the vivarium, you spin around to see Ominis stand in the middle of the giant room, turning in circles. "Sorry, I'll be right back and give you a proper tour, promise" you state before vanishing into the vivarium and place the Niffler on the ground.

As you do so, a large number of coins rolls out of the pouch and while Niffolas tries to collect them, you pick up a few, the crossed brooms on it piquing your interest. "The Hogsmead hunt, huh? Well I guess, you'll get a lot of butter beer for that"

The coins stuffed into your pocket, you return to the entrance and stand beside Ominis.

Clinking, two small bottles produce from your satchel. In one gulp, you drink the first, then add a hair as usual and hand the other to Ominis. "Bottoms up" As soon as he has drunk the potion, his mouth scrunched at the taste, he smiles and watches as before your eyes the entrance comes to sight. The walls, decorated with shelves as you had started to use all space you could spare for books. "All right, let me give you a proper tour"

With a soft grin, you stare at the wooden door, the metal ornaments on it locking it tight to keep unwanted pupils out. "This is the entrance to the Room of Requirement," Your eyes wandering to the giant knights that guard the door to either side, you wave and scrunch your face, their armour screeching as they wave back, one of them even bows, but loses his balance and falls forward onto his sword, the hilt piercing though his chest plate causing the entire armour to fall apart.

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