The wand chooses the wizard

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Another day passes, the pain too excruciating to move, and Madam Blainey orders you to stay in the hospital wing. Poppy and Natty visit after almost every study, telling you how Garreth has brewed a potion, claiming it to give you strength, but all it has done so far is to colour Professor Sharp, who has stepped too close to the cauldron, a terrible green colour that even after washing and casting a spell has stained both his clothes and skin.

On the third day, right after breakfast, you help Ominis to get to class, trying to get your wand to work for him, but it refuses to respond to him like it did to you. Frustrated, you stumble into Potions class late as you have left Ominis at charms. "Sorry, Professor" you mumble as you head over to your table and place the book next to the cauldron.

"Well, I hope it will be the last time" Professor Sharp states, half his face in a dark forest green, although somewhat washed out, then approaches your table, "I do hope you are better, that curse is not to be taken lightly, I assure you, if you need time to-"

"I am well, Professor, thank you"

The day could not go by fast enough. After the last class, in which you sat next to Ominis as you helped him copy the notes on the board, you grab his hand and lead him out of the school and along the path, past the forbidden forest, where you notice Richard Jackdaw and another ghost chat, wave at him and smile as he waves back at you. Up the road, past some other students, you walk with Ominis over the small bridge into Hogsmead.

"You do not have to do this, Salem" Ominis says as you guide him towards Ollivander's. "I can buy a new wand on my own"

Ruffling through his hair, you snicker as you watch him adjust it and lean against the door frame as he stops inside. "Oh, but I do insist, and I will pay for it. It is my obligation, considering I am the reason you lost it in the first place"

"You are no-"

"Who do we have here?" Mr Ollivander walks around the corner, the grey hair standing off in all directions as he adjust the spectacles on his nose and grins at you. "Salem Morningstar, I hope you are pleased with the wand I created for you"

Remembering back on how you used the keepers' wand in your fight with Ranrok, you smile. "It served its purpose, and I am to say one of the most beautiful wands I have laid my eyes upon, Sir"

"Then I am glad, now, how may I help you two?"

Ominis approaches Mr Ollivander and sighs, "I fear to have lost my wand in a fight, I am in need of a new one"

"Of course" Ollivander jiggles around the shop, his hands flying over one box after the other until they land on a bright blue one. "I believe this one is already calling for you"

Ominis holds out his hand to take the wand, but before his fingers can touch the wood, the wand glows and Ominis smiles. "I am certain it is" he agrees as he picks the off-white wand and waves it around.

Opposed to his old wand, it does not throw sparks around, but you notice the slivers of light that surround him as Ominis spins and his head wanders to you. "Does it work?"

A gleeful smile to his lips, he heads over to you in such a straight line that you hold your breath, his face close to yours. "It does" Without another word, Ominis steps back and walks around the shop, cheering as the wand guides him.

With a proud grin on your face, you head to talk to Mr Ollivander, who declines your offer to pay for the wand as he watches Ominis as well, the broad moustache rustling as he moves his upper lip. The hand pointed towards the back of the shop, you follow him while Ominis walks outside, mumbling something about tomes and scrolls.

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